Voted in October 6th, 2001
1. New League officers - Commissioner Richard Deyerle, Treasurer Mike Thurston, League Recorder of Trades Keith Gilmore. Presidents to be announced soon.
2. A reminder that dues are $30. Please check your balance due with Mike Thurston. Mike, please report the current accounts receivable balance to Richard as soon as possible. Thanks a lot.
3. State of the season. National League complete, American League complete except for 17 Pen Fan games, 8 Jaybird games and 9 Catfish games. Please complete your season and turn in your stats as soon as possible.
4. 15 man protection - All 15 man protection lists are due to Richard by Sunday, November 11. On Sunday November 11 any after protection trades can be announced.
5. National League manager of the year - There are a few teams who have not turned in their votes. Please do so as soon as possible.
6. League Banquet - The banquet will be at Buffalo Wild Wings on December 1. We would appreciate it if everyone possible would attend. Chip, would you please let me know who has RSVP'ed and is it still possible for more people to show. Randy is inviting Tim Lewis, a future prospective manager, to this event.
7. Remember that everyone will have the choice of picking a new ball park this year. Each franchise will let your president know of your intention before the draft. (after the parks are defined by Strat)
8. Mike Thurston identified a starter-reliever clarification that will be corrected in the next version of the constitution. Mike identified a rest inconsistency with our starter relievers compared to starters.
9. Several rule changes were considered including the following:
a. Ability to protect a 16th player with less than 50 at bats or less than 5 starts by giving up a 7th round pick. Advantage - ability to protect an injured superstar or a prospect that spent an extra year in triple A
b. Jim Profitt's playoff relief rule limitations
c. Getting rid of hi-lo 20 sided dice.
d. The outfield defense rule
e. Limiting starting pitchers to starts and innings pitched, limiting batters to plate appearances.
f. Increasing the draft by 3 rounds starting in 2003. Increasing the minimum number of players to 30. (Can't trade below 30)
Only F passed. Starting next year there will be three additional rounds in the draft. 15 man protection remains the same.
10. The meeting adjourned after the vote for the new commisioner
Don Leigers will be the American League president. Dave Caddell will be the National League president.