2003 League Meeting

October 5th, 2003 - Randy Shavis house

A quorum was present for all votes

The following rules were approved by the league

  1. September 1st is the cutoff for all rule proposals
  2. Any team that changes ballparks with a 5th round pick, will receive an extra pick at the end of the draft
  3. Limited Interleague play - will begin during the 2005 season
    Every team plays every other team in its league 15 games (150 games)
    1st-3rd place from both leagues play each other 4 games (12 games)
    4th-6th place from both leagues play each other 4 games (12 games)
    7th-9th place from both leagues play each other 4 games (12 games)
    10th-11th place from both leagues play each other 6 games (12 games)
  4. New owners in the constitution was changed:
    Second priority will be given to new league members who are interested in managing the team
    Third priority will be given to existing league managers who wishes to assume ownership of the franchise & relinquish control of his existing franchise
  5. A player who is listed as DH (no position listed on card) can play NO position other than DH or be used as a pinch hitter.

The league approved when teams change leagues, to allow a free ballpark pick in their new league after the draft has completed.  As with all other ballpark picks, it must be a unique park (not taken by any other team).

RSBL 2003 Rule Clarifications

If a player is injured, he may be placed on injured reserve for a minimum of 5 games. He must then be removed from injured reserve after 5 games or the length of his injury, whichever comes last.

Other league business

Pat & Randy were re-elected & appointed as co-commissioners for the 2004 season

Chip Foster & John Jimison will be switching leagues for 2004.

The league recognized Brian Butler, Craig Eddy, & Tim Lowrey as league members. 

To prevent the multitude of rule changes for next year, 2 reps from each league will look at current rules & come up with new proposals (trading deadlines, etc.) for the next year's league meeting. 

John Jimison will be looking into banquet locations & dates.

Mike Thurston will continue to serve as the treasurer.