October 5th, 2003 - Randy Shavis house
A quorum was present for all votes
The following rules were approved by the league
The league approved when teams change leagues, to allow a free ballpark pick
in their new league after the draft has completed. As with all other
ballpark picks, it must be a unique park (not taken by any other team).
RSBL 2003 Rule Clarifications
If a player is injured, he may be placed
on injured reserve for a minimum of 5 games. He must then be removed from
injured reserve after 5 games or the length of his injury, whichever comes last.
Other league business
Pat & Randy were re-elected & appointed as co-commissioners for the 2004 season
Chip Foster & John Jimison will be switching leagues for 2004.
The league recognized Brian Butler, Craig Eddy, & Tim Lowrey as league members.
To prevent the multitude of rule changes for next year, 2 reps from each league will look at current rules & come up with new proposals (trading deadlines, etc.) for the next year's league meeting.
John Jimison will be looking into banquet locations & dates.
Mike Thurston will continue to serve as the treasurer.