October 24th, 2004 - Pat Jennings house
A quorum was present for all votes
The following rules were approved by the league
Note: Rules marked with a double asterisk ** will be implemented for the 2005
season. Those unmarked will be implemented for the 2006 season.
RSBL 2004 Rule Clarifications
Changes to the Constitution (page 1) the last sentence
will be modified to read.
“The cutoff date for new rule proposals will be September 1st or other
specified date set by the commissioner.
Changes to Team Management (page 2)
”Managers who own two teams will have two votes at the league meeting”
Changes to switching leagues
Add the following line… ”Teams interested in switching leagues are to
confidentially contact their league president and/or commissioner”
Inter-league Play (page 3)
(A) ”If the number of teams in either league are unbalanced due to expansion
or contraction, inter-league play will be suspended.”
(B) “If a manager has teams in both leagues that are scheduled to play in
inter-league play, his team with the worst record from the previous year
will flip-flop with the team in the closest bracket that does not play his
”To prevent over usage, individual stats are required to be kept for players
traded to other teams”
Draft (page 4)
(A) ”If the league becomes unbalanced where one league has more teams than
the other, Milwaukee will always be drafted from the league with the greater
number of teams. If the league is balanced, Milwaukee Brewer players will
be drafted in the American League draft.”
(B) “Players that spend time in both leagues, will be drafted in the league
with the greater number of games played. If that is tied, then at-bats or
innings pitched will be used to determine the drafting league. If still
tied, the player’s last team played on will determine what league he will be
drafted in”
Rosters – starter/relievers (page 4)
”Players declared as starter-relievers can relieve pre-121 only if he meets
the reliever requirements (40 innings OR 40 appearances) & start only if he
meets the starter requirements (10 starts)”
Rosters – post-122 game moves
“After game 121, any player sent down only needs to stay down a minimum of
10 games. There will be no minimum games that player needs to remain up”
Delayed Injuries (page 5)
In addition the players running ability will become a 1 & he will not be
able to steal.
The -1/+1 adjustment for being held/not being held
When a runner is held on first or second, subtract 1 from his running rating
when that rating is needed to determine whether he can advanced an extra
base on another player's hit. If the runner in unheld on first or
second AND there isn't a lead runner in front of the runner, add 1 to his
running rating.
Closer rule:
During a closer situation, the closer rule determines the pitcher endurance
during THAT game. His POW rating determines if he will be normal/dotted the
NEXT game.
Relievers limited to 7 IP
Update the rule "relievers are limited to 7 innings" with the exception
"unless he is the last pitcher on your team".
Other league business