2015 League Meeting

November 14th, 2015 - Jeff Easton's house
Major news:
The Uncallables and the Knights teams will be frozen for one year. The whales
will be taken over by Tim Turner for the 2016 season. Due to the future picks
that were already agreen upon by the Knights, those will still be in effect. We
will randomly assign a draft position for the knights(and UC if necessary) for
seeding those picks that were already traded. This will be done after the 2016
The following rules proposals were passed:
#6 The third priority for a vacant franchise that
allows an existing league member to give up his team and take a vacant team has
been eliminated.
#8 The following minimum requirements for teams to
start the season.
- AL team must have 1458 games and 300 innings of
- NL team must have 1296 games and 300 innings of relief.
If You do not cover these requirements by the end of the draft you will be
penalized a 5th round(or next higher) pick.
Other news:
Lewis and Shane were elected to be Co- commissioners
for the 2016 season.
15 man rosters need to be posted on the Website no
later than Monday November 16th at Midnight.
Banquet location to be