RSBL Trades

- Jaybirds trade Taz-Devil 5th & Uncallables 6th to the Ducks for Ray
Lankford & Ducks 13th
- Rebels trade Rebels 4th to the Phanatics for Phanatics 6th &
Taz-Devils 11th
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 8th to the Roadrunners for Pat Hentgen &
Tigers 11th
- Tigers trade Tigers 4th to the Wizards for Bulls 4th
- Jaybirds trade Wizards 3rd to the Tigers for Greg Vaughn
- Jaybirds trade Road Runners 3rd and Wizard 10th to the Uncallables for
Erubiel Durazo, Uncallables 6th and Whales 8th
- Roadrunners trade Carl Pavano & Roadrunners 11th to the Whales for the
Whales 7th
- Penfan trade Penfan 10th & Tigers 15th to the Wizards for Antonio
Alfonseca & Ramiro Mendoza
- Jaybirds trade Matt Stairs to the Wizards for Taz-Devils 8th
- Mercenaries trade Paul Abbott & Mercenaries 11th to the Stampede for
Kirk Rueter & Stampede 9th
- Mercenaries trade Chuck Finley & Rampage 10th to the Rebels for Livan
Hernandez & Rebels 15th
- Penfan trade Penfan 13th to the Roadrunners for Alex Gonzalez & Tigers
- Mad Hatters trade JT Snow to the Taz- Devils for Eric Davis
- Mad Hatters trade Shannon Stewart & Mad Hatters 4th to the Phanatics
for Ruben Mateo & Jaybirds 1st
- Mad Hatters trade Steve Finley, Mad Hatters 1st to the Wizards for Carl
Everett, Mad Hatters 5th
- Tigers trade Tony Batista to the Stampede for Stampede 2nd, Stampede 3rd
- Tigers trade Ramon Hernandez to the Uncallables for Uncallables 4th
- Phanatics trade Ricky Ledee, Mark Grudzielanek, Phanatics 1st, Rebels 1st,
& Phanatics 11th to the Bandits for Randy Johnson, Bandits 9th, &
Bandits 10th
- Mercenaries trade Scott Brosius & Mercenaries 13th to the Rebels for
Rampage 10
- Bandits trade Herbert Perry to the Taz-Devils for Travis Lee
- Tigers trade Rickey Henderson to the Wizards
for Jaybirds 10th
- Turkeys trade Rob Nen & Turkeys 4th to the
Wizards for Al Martin, Brian Jordan, & Tigers 5th
- Phanatics trade Andy Pettitte to the Wizards
for Mike Cameron
- Penfan trade Penfan 5th to the Pods for Greg
- Bandits trade Bandits 8th to the MadHatters
for MadHatters 13th & Steve Sparks
- Phanatics trade Travis Lee, Phanatics 12th,
& Bandits 12th to the TazDevils for the TazDevils 9th & TazDevils
- Jaybirds trade Bulls 1st, Jaybirds 2nd, Jaybirds 6th, Arthur Rhodes,and
Kelvim Escobar to the Bandits for Ben Grieve, Matt Stairs, Bandits 4th and
Bandits 7th
- Mad Hatters trade Ramon Ortiz and the Wizards 10th to the Jaybirds for
Jaybirds 5th
- TazDevils trade Fryman to the Tigers for the Tigers 1st
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 8th to the Mad Hatters for Mad Hatters 11th &
Aramis Ramirez
- Penfan trade Penfan 5th to the Pods for Greg Colbrunn
- Wizards trade Wizards 3rd to the Jaybirds for Buhner (past trade missed
- Mad Hatters trade Brook Fordyce to the
Mercenaries for Greg Swindell
- Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 12th to the Rampage
for Geoff Blum
- Tigers trade Wizards 4th & Tigers 11th to
the Roadrunners for Roadrunners 14th & Ricky Gutierrez
09/03/00 (all end of year)
- MadHatters trade Joe Nathan to the Jaybirds
for Jaybirds 7th
- Jaybirds trade Gerald Williams to the
Phanatics for Authur Rhodes
- Mercenaries trade Tony Womack to the Rebels
for Ken Caminiti & Anthony Telford
- Rampage trade Joe Girardi & Rampage 10th
to the Rebels for Wizards 6th
08/20/00 (all end of year)
- Mad Hatters trade Fred McGriff & Erubiel
Durazo to the Uncallables for J.T. Snow
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 7th, John Olerud, Marvin
Benard to the Rebels for the Phanatics 5th, David Segui, Roberto Hernandez
- Rebels trade Bulls 3rd & Mercenaries 3rd
to the Wizards for Wizards 6th, Roadrunners 8th, & Danny Graves
- MadHatters trade Travis Lee to the Phanatics for Ramon Ortiz (end of year)
- Bimbos trade Jason Schmidt, Bobby Ayala, & Bimbos 14th to the
T-Birds for Scott Erickson & T-Birds 7th (101-120)
08/06/00 (101-120 trades)
- Whales trade Whales 10th to the Jaybirds for
Dave Martinez (101-120)
07/30/00 (101-120 trades)
- Penfan trade David Cone & Penfan 15th to the Rampage for Jason Johnson
& Rampage 6th
- Uncallables trade Dustin Hermanson & Uncallables 10th to the Whales
for Whales 2nd & Whales 8th
07/30/00 (End of year)
- Rebels trade Roadrunners 8th to the Wizards for Denny Hocking
- Ducks trade Ducks 8th to the Pods for Rheal Cormier
- Wizards trade Fred McGriff to the MadHatters for Bulls 4th
- Mercenaries trade Rick Helling, Joe Mays, & Mercenaries 14th to the
Pods for David Wells, Pods 5th, & Ducks 8th
- Pods trade Shannon Stewart, Paul Shewey, & Pods 4th to the Mad Hatters
for Luis Castillo & MadHatters 12th
07/25/00 (101-120 trades)
- Mad Hatters trade Sammy Sosa, Mad Hatters 13th, Mad Hatters 14th,
MadHatters 15th to the Rebels for Mercenaries 3rd, Bulls 3rd, & Rebels
- Pods trade Reggie Sanders to the Mercenaries for Russell Branyan
- Phanatics trade Jerry Spradlin to the Bandits for Bandits 12th
- Mercenaries trade Mercenaries 5th, Mercenaries 15th to the RoadRunners for
Scott Sullivan, RoadRunners 9th, & RoadRunners 13th
- Uncallables trade Chad Allen to the Ducks for the Ducks 12th
- Bulls trade Darryl Kile, JayBirds 4th to the Roadrunners for Carlos
Beltran, RoadRunners 8th
- Rampage trade Rampage 8th to the Roadrunners for Glanallen Hill
- Wizards trade Shawon Dunston to the Taz-Devils for Taz Devils 8th
07/25/00 (End of year trades)
- Mad Hatters trade Jose Offerman, Bulls 3rd, Mercenaries 3rd, Rebels 4th to
the Rebels for Steve Finley, Kris Benson, Luis Castillo, Mad Hatters 13th,
Mad Hatters 14th, Mad Hatters 15th
- Wizards trade Rebels 7th to the Taz Devils for Jose Valentin
- Wizards trade Livan Hernandez to the Bulls for Ramiro Mendoza
- Bulls trade Livan Hernandez & Road Runners 8th to the Rebels for Eric
Milton & Phanitics 15th
- Wizards trade Roy Halladay to the Bulls for Bulls 15
06/02/00 (101-120 trades)
- Mad Hatters trade Dante Bichette to TazDevils for Aramis Ramirez &
TazDevils 6th
- Mad Hatters trade Paul Konerko to Wizards for Jose Vidro
- Phanatics trade Brent Gates & Phanatics 14th to the T-Birds for
T-Birds 8th
- MadHatters trade Travis Miller to the Rebels
for Carlos Reyes & Rebels 5th
- Bimbos trade Orlando Palmeiro to the
MadHatters for MadHatters 7th
- Rebels for Rico Brogna to the Phanatics for
Phanatics 5th
- Wizards trade Michael Tucker to Uncallables
for Uncallables 5th
- Wizards trade Craig Wilson to the Rebels for
Sandy Alomar
- Rebels trade Dennis Cook to the Twins for
Anthony Telford
- Mercenaries trade Dante Bichette &
Mercenaries 2nd to the Mad hatters for Dave Justice
02/06/00 ** Draft day trades**
Note: trades that involved current picks for current picks were excluded.
All future picks & players trades are listed.
- Uncallables trade Bandits 7th & Uncallables 2nd (2001) to the Twins
for Aaron Boone
- Rebels trade Pat Rapp to the Tigers for Pods 4th
- Rebels trade Turkeys 2nd (2001) & Wizards 9th to the Penfan for
Roberto Hernandez
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 9th (2001) to the Twins for Twins 11th
- Rebels trade Rebels 13th & Rebels 14th to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds
9th (2001)
- RoadRunners trade Tigers 12th (2001) to the Twins for Twins 13th
- MadHatters trade Whales 1st to the Twins for Jose Offerman
- Tigers trade MadHatters 14th & Tigers 14th (2001) to the T-Birds for
T-Birds 14th & T-Birds 13th (2001)
- Bulls trade Bulls 1st (2001) & Kyle Farnsworth to the Jaybirds for
Jaybirds 4th (2001) & Alex Fernandez
- Wizards trade Phanatics 2nd & Bandits 14th to the Bulls for
Mercenaries 2nd, Uncallables 11th, & Andrew Lorraine
- Wizards trade Oral Hershiser to the Whales for Rampage 10th
- Wizards trade Phanatics 5th to the MadHatters for Jose Vidro
- Bandits trade Tim Bogar to the Twins for John Vanderwal
- MadsHatters trade Angel Pena to the RoadRunners for Rampage 7th
- Tigers trade Jay Buhner to Jaybirds for Phanatics 10th & Wizards 4th
- Penfan trade Penfan 9th to the Rampage for Rampage 7th (2001)
- Rebels trade Rebels 6th (2001)& Rebels 14th (2001) to the Tigers for
David Segui & T-Birds 13th (2001)
- Wizards trade Wizards 7th (2001) to the Rebels for Michael Tucker
- TazDevils trade TazDevils 7th (2001) to the Pods for Rich Amaral &
Pods 15th (2001)
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 10th (2001) to the Twins for Jaybirds 14th
- Wizards trade Ken Caminiti to the Rebels for
MadHatter 2nd
- RoadRunners trade TazDevils 6th to the Rebels
for Wizards 8th & Bandits 11th
- RoadRunners trade Cris Carpenter &
MadHatters 12th to the Tigers for MadHatters 4th & Tigers 11th
- Tigers trade Steve Finley to the Wizards for
Greg Vaughn
- Rebels trade TazDevils 6th & Bulls 3rd
(2001)to the Wizards for Dennis Reyes ** Note this trade was later
reversed and the Wizards received the Wizards 15 as compensation
- Rebels trade Phanatics 2nd, Rebels 3rd (2001),
Rebels 7th (2001) to the Wizards for Steve Finley & Pods 10th
- Rebels trade Greg Swindell & Rebels 13th
(2001) to the Mercenaries for Mercenaries 4th & Mercenaries 3rd (2001)
- Rebels trade Devon White & Phanatics 15th
to the Turkeys for Turkeys 2nd (2001)
- Rebels trade Tony Gwynn & Mercenaries 2nd
to the Bulls for BJ Surhoff
- Whales trade Carl Everett to the Wizards for
Jeromy Burnitz
- Rebels trade Jaybirds 6th to the Wizards for
Wizards 7th
- Uncallables trade Harold Baines & JayBirds
3rd to the TazDevils for Stampede 2nd & Bandits 7th
- T-Birds trade T-Birds 1st & T-Birds 9th to
the TazDevils for TazDevils 1st & TazDevils 11th
- Rebels trade Vinny Castilla to the Rampage for
Eric Karros
- Wizards trade MadHatters 2nd & Mercenaries
2nd to Rebels for Pods 1st & Pods 10th
- Wizards trade Darryl Hamilton, Pods 1st, &
Wizards 1st (2001) to the Tigers for Jeromy Burnitz & Tigers 5th (2001)
- Tigers trade Pods 1st, Tigers 3rd, &
Tigers 5th to the Jaybirds for RoadRunners 2nd, Tigers 2nd, & T-Birds
- Roadrunners trade Penfan 3rd, MadHatters 7th,
& RoadRunners 6th (2001) to Turkeys for Turkeys 5th, Turkeys 12th, &
Turkeys 1st (2001)
- Tigers trade Tigers 2nd & T-Birds 6th to
the Bimbos for Bimbos 2nd & Bimbos 8th
- Tigers trade Darryl Hamilton to Bandits
for Steve Finley
- Wizards trade Mike Redmond to the Rebels for
Tony Womack
- Wizards trade Tony Womack & Mad hatters
11th to the Mercenaries for the Mercenaries 2nd
- MadHatters trade Eric Milton, Reggie Sanders,
& Wizards 1st to the Rebels for Sammy Sosa
- Tigers trade Rickey Henderson & TazDevils
4th to the Pods for the Pods 1st, TazDevils 3rd, & Uncallables 6th
- Pods trade Rickey Henderson to the Tigers for
the Pods 1st & MadHatters 9th
- Mercenaries trade Michael Tucker to the Rebels
for the Stampede 7th
- Pods trade Pods 1st (2001), Pods 3rd, &
Pods 13th to the Phanatics for Phanatics 2nd & Turkeys 4th
- Pods trade Pods 1st, Phanatics 2nd, Phanatics
6th, & Pods 10th to the Rebels for Reggie Sanders
- Wizards trade Bulls 3rd & Wizards 12th to
the Bulls for Dennis Reyes
- Bulls trade Matt Mantai & Bulls 4th (2001)
to the MadHatters for Stampede 1st
- Roadrunners trade Roadrunners 12th (2001) to
the Tigers for the Tigers 12th (2001)
- Roadrunners trade Roadrunners 15th (2001) to
the Tigers for the Tigers 15th (2001)
- Bulls trade Stampede 1st & Bulls 4th to
the MadHatters for Armondo Benitez
- Mad Hatters trade Matt Mantei to the
Bulls for the Stampede 1st
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 1st &
MadHatters 2nd(2001) to the Penfan for Armondo Benitez
- MadHatters trade Kenny Rogers to the Turkeys
for Rampage 1st
- Tigers trade Rebels 3 & Bimbos 5 to the
Jaybirds for Dave Justice
- Rebels trade Tino Martinez to the Phanatics
for Rico Brogna & Antonio Alfonseca
- Penfan trade Mo Vaughn & RoadRunners 7th
to the Phanatics for Tino Martinez & T-Birds 3rd
- Mercenaries trade JayBirds 6th to the Rebels
for Michael Tucker
- Wizards trade Tigers 2nd & Wizards
5th(2001) to the JayBirds for Jose Vidro & JayBirds 10th(2001)
- Wizards trade Bulls 1st & Wizards
4th(2001) to JayBirds for Rebels 3rd & JayBirds 1st(2001)
- Tigers trade Uncallables 1st, Tigers 4th,
& Dave Justice to the MadHatters for JayBirds 3rd, MadHatters 4th, &
Jeromy Burnitz
- Mad Hatters trade Wizards 14th &
MadHatters 14th to the Tigers for T-Birds 13rd & Tigers 15th
- Wizards trade Jose Vidro & Wizards
10th(2001) to the MadHatters for Penfan 2nd & MadHatters 5th(2001)
- Mad Hatters trade Uncallables 1st &
TazDevils 8th to the Taz Devils for Wizards 1st & Whales 10th
- Tigers trade JayBirds 3rd & Tigers 7th to
MadHatters for Brian Anderson & MadHatters 9th
- Uncallables trade Barry Larkin, Uncallables
5th, Uncallables 14th(2001), & Uncallables 15th(2001) to the T-Birds for
T-Birds 2nd ,T-Birds 4th, T-Birds 1st(2001), T-Birds 2nd(2001), &
T-Birds 10th(2001)
- Uncallables trade Reggie Sanders &
Uncallables 4th to the MadHatters for Rampage 1st & JayBirds 3rd
- Wizards trade Wizards 6th & Wizards
2nd(2001) to the Uncallables for Darryl Hamilton
- Wizards trade Penfan 2nd & JayBirds
1st(2001) to the Phanatics for Mike Cameron
- Wizards trade Bandits 1st to the Uncallables
for Joe Randa
- Jaybirds trade Javier Vazquez & Penfan 1st
to Tazdevils for Uncallables 1st, TazDevils 2nd, & TazDevils 5th(2001)
- Rebels trade Rebels 5th & Rebels 2nd(2001)
to the Stampede for John Wetteland
- Uncallables trade T-Birds 2nd &
Uncallables 3rd to the Tazdevils for Penfan 1st, TazDevils 5th, &
TazDevils 8th
- Wizards trade Tony Womack to the Rebels for
Antonio Alfonseca
- Bandits trade JayBirds 5th, Bandits 8th,
Bandits 1st(2001), & Bandits 2nd(2001) to the Penfan for Jamie Moyer,
Mickey Morandini, Penfan 14th(2001)
- Bandits trade Armondo Reynoso to the Tigers
for RoadRunners 4th
- Bandits trade Bandits 3rd to the Stampede for
Alex Ochoa
- Mad Hatters trade Magglio Ordonez & Andy
Pettitte to the Phanatics for Eric Milton & Whales 1st
- Mercenaries trade Mercenaries 7th &
Mercenaries 1st (2000) to the Phanatics for M. Sirotka and Phanatics 7th
- Rebels trade Rebels 1st (2001) & Rebels 15th
to the Phanatics for G. Swindell, D. Reyes, Phanatics 15th (2001)
- Rebels trade D. Reyes to the Bulls for T.
Crabtree & Bulls 3rd (2001)
- Jaybirds trade S. Casey, P.
Hentgen, Jaybirds 12th, Jaybirds 8th (2001) to the RoadRunners for BlackSox
1st, Turkeys 2nd, RoadRunners 2nd, Pods 5th, & RoadRunners 3rd (2001)
- Bandits trade Rebels 8th & Bandits 3rd
(2001) to the Phanatics for R. Seanez & Phanatics 13th (2001)