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2000 RSBL Trades


  1. Jaybirds trade Taz-Devil 5th & Uncallables 6th to the Ducks for Ray Lankford & Ducks 13th
  2. Rebels trade Rebels 4th to the Phanatics for Phanatics 6th & Taz-Devils 11th


  1. Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 8th to the Roadrunners for Pat Hentgen & Tigers 11th
  2. Tigers trade Tigers 4th to the Wizards for Bulls 4th


  1. Jaybirds trade Wizards 3rd to the Tigers for Greg Vaughn
  2. Jaybirds trade Road Runners 3rd and Wizard 10th to the Uncallables for Erubiel Durazo, Uncallables 6th and Whales 8th 
  3. Roadrunners trade Carl Pavano & Roadrunners 11th to the Whales for the Whales 7th


  1. Penfan trade Penfan 10th & Tigers 15th to the Wizards for Antonio Alfonseca & Ramiro Mendoza
  2. Jaybirds trade Matt Stairs to the Wizards for Taz-Devils 8th
  3. Mercenaries trade Paul Abbott & Mercenaries 11th to the Stampede for Kirk Rueter & Stampede 9th
  4. Mercenaries trade Chuck Finley & Rampage 10th to the Rebels for Livan Hernandez & Rebels 15th


  1. Penfan trade Penfan 13th to the Roadrunners for Alex Gonzalez & Tigers 15th
  2. Mad Hatters trade JT Snow to the Taz- Devils for Eric Davis
  3. Mad Hatters trade Shannon Stewart & Mad Hatters 4th to the Phanatics for Ruben Mateo & Jaybirds 1st
  4. Mad Hatters trade Steve Finley, Mad Hatters 1st to the Wizards for Carl Everett, Mad Hatters 5th
  5. Tigers trade Tony Batista to the Stampede for Stampede 2nd, Stampede 3rd
  6. Tigers trade Ramon Hernandez to the Uncallables for Uncallables 4th
  7. Phanatics trade Ricky Ledee, Mark Grudzielanek, Phanatics 1st, Rebels 1st, & Phanatics 11th to the Bandits for Randy Johnson, Bandits 9th, & Bandits 10th
  8. Mercenaries trade Scott Brosius & Mercenaries 13th to the Rebels for Rampage 10
  9. Bandits trade Herbert Perry to the Taz-Devils for Travis Lee


  1. Tigers trade Rickey Henderson to the Wizards for Jaybirds 10th
  2. Turkeys trade Rob Nen & Turkeys 4th to the Wizards for Al Martin, Brian Jordan, & Tigers 5th
  3. Phanatics trade Andy Pettitte to the Wizards for Mike Cameron


  1. Penfan trade Penfan 5th to the Pods for Greg Colbrunn
  2. Bandits trade Bandits 8th to the MadHatters for MadHatters 13th & Steve Sparks
  3. Phanatics trade Travis Lee, Phanatics 12th, & Bandits 12th to the TazDevils for the TazDevils 9th & TazDevils 11th


  1. Jaybirds trade Bulls 1st, Jaybirds 2nd, Jaybirds 6th, Arthur Rhodes,and Kelvim Escobar to the Bandits for Ben Grieve, Matt Stairs, Bandits 4th and Bandits 7th
  2. Mad Hatters trade Ramon Ortiz and the Wizards 10th to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 5th
  3. TazDevils trade Fryman to the Tigers for the Tigers 1st
  4. Turkeys trade Turkeys 8th to the Mad Hatters for Mad Hatters 11th & Aramis Ramirez
  5. Penfan trade Penfan 5th to the Pods for Greg Colbrunn
  6. Wizards trade Wizards 3rd to the Jaybirds for Buhner (past trade missed somehow) 


  1. Mad Hatters trade Brook Fordyce to the Mercenaries for Greg Swindell
  2. Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 12th to the Rampage for Geoff Blum
  3. Tigers trade Wizards 4th & Tigers 11th to the Roadrunners for Roadrunners 14th & Ricky Gutierrez

09/03/00 (all end of year)

  1. MadHatters trade Joe Nathan to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 7th
  2. Jaybirds trade Gerald Williams to the Phanatics for Authur Rhodes
  3. Mercenaries trade Tony Womack to the Rebels for Ken Caminiti & Anthony Telford
  4. Rampage trade Joe Girardi & Rampage 10th to the Rebels for Wizards 6th

08/20/00 (all end of year)

  1. Mad Hatters trade Fred McGriff & Erubiel Durazo to the Uncallables for J.T. Snow
  2. Turkeys trade Turkeys 7th, John Olerud, Marvin Benard to the Rebels for the Phanatics 5th, David Segui, Roberto Hernandez
  3. Rebels trade Bulls 3rd & Mercenaries 3rd to the Wizards for Wizards 6th, Roadrunners 8th, & Danny Graves


  1. MadHatters trade Travis Lee to the Phanatics for Ramon Ortiz (end of year)
  2. Bimbos trade Jason Schmidt, Bobby Ayala, &  Bimbos 14th to the T-Birds for Scott Erickson & T-Birds 7th (101-120)

08/06/00 (101-120 trades)

  1. Whales trade Whales 10th to the Jaybirds for Dave Martinez (101-120)

07/30/00 (101-120 trades)

  1. Penfan trade David Cone & Penfan 15th to the Rampage for Jason Johnson & Rampage 6th
  2. Uncallables trade Dustin Hermanson & Uncallables 10th to the Whales for Whales 2nd & Whales 8th

07/30/00 (End of year)

  1. Rebels trade Roadrunners 8th to the Wizards for Denny Hocking
  2. Ducks trade Ducks 8th to the Pods for Rheal Cormier
  3. Wizards trade Fred McGriff to the MadHatters for Bulls 4th
  4. Mercenaries trade Rick Helling, Joe Mays, & Mercenaries 14th to the Pods for David Wells, Pods 5th, & Ducks 8th
  5. Pods trade Shannon Stewart, Paul Shewey, & Pods 4th to the Mad Hatters for Luis Castillo & MadHatters 12th

07/25/00 (101-120 trades)

  1. Mad Hatters trade Sammy Sosa, Mad Hatters 13th, Mad Hatters 14th, MadHatters 15th to the Rebels for Mercenaries 3rd, Bulls 3rd, & Rebels 4th
  2. Pods trade Reggie Sanders to the Mercenaries for Russell Branyan
  3. Phanatics trade Jerry Spradlin to the Bandits for Bandits 12th
  4. Mercenaries trade Mercenaries 5th, Mercenaries 15th to the RoadRunners for Scott Sullivan, RoadRunners 9th, & RoadRunners 13th
  5. Uncallables trade Chad Allen to the Ducks for the Ducks 12th
  6. Bulls trade Darryl Kile, JayBirds 4th to the Roadrunners for Carlos Beltran, RoadRunners 8th
  7. Rampage trade Rampage 8th to the Roadrunners for Glanallen Hill
  8. Wizards trade Shawon Dunston to the Taz-Devils for Taz Devils 8th

07/25/00 (End of year trades)

  1. Mad Hatters trade Jose Offerman, Bulls 3rd, Mercenaries 3rd, Rebels 4th to the Rebels for Steve Finley, Kris Benson, Luis Castillo, Mad Hatters 13th, Mad Hatters 14th, Mad Hatters 15th
  2. Wizards trade Rebels 7th to the Taz Devils for Jose Valentin
  3. Wizards trade Livan Hernandez to the Bulls for Ramiro Mendoza
  4. Bulls trade Livan Hernandez & Road Runners 8th to the Rebels for Eric Milton & Phanitics 15th
  5. Wizards trade Roy Halladay to the Bulls for Bulls 15

06/02/00 (101-120 trades)

  1. Mad Hatters trade Dante Bichette to TazDevils for Aramis Ramirez & TazDevils 6th
  2. Mad Hatters trade Paul Konerko to Wizards for Jose Vidro
  3. Phanatics trade Brent Gates & Phanatics 14th to the T-Birds for T-Birds 8th


  1. MadHatters trade Travis Miller to the Rebels for Carlos Reyes & Rebels 5th
  2. Bimbos trade Orlando Palmeiro to the MadHatters for MadHatters 7th 
  3. Rebels for Rico Brogna to the Phanatics for Phanatics 5th 
  4. Wizards trade Michael Tucker to Uncallables for Uncallables 5th 


  1. Wizards trade Craig Wilson to the Rebels for Sandy Alomar
  2. Rebels trade Dennis Cook to the Twins for Anthony Telford
  3. Mercenaries trade Dante Bichette & Mercenaries 2nd to the Mad hatters for Dave Justice

02/06/00 ** Draft day trades** 
Note: trades that involved current picks for current picks were excluded.  All future picks & players trades are listed.

  1. Uncallables trade Bandits 7th & Uncallables 2nd (2001) to the Twins for Aaron Boone
  2. Rebels trade Pat Rapp to the Tigers for Pods 4th
  3. Rebels trade Turkeys 2nd (2001) & Wizards 9th to the Penfan for Roberto Hernandez
  4. MadHatters trade MadHatters 9th (2001) to the Twins for Twins 11th
  5. Rebels trade Rebels 13th & Rebels 14th to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 9th (2001)
  6. RoadRunners trade Tigers 12th (2001) to the Twins for Twins 13th
  7. MadHatters trade Whales 1st to the Twins for Jose Offerman
  8. Tigers trade MadHatters 14th & Tigers 14th (2001) to the T-Birds for T-Birds 14th & T-Birds 13th (2001)
  9. Bulls trade Bulls 1st (2001) & Kyle Farnsworth to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 4th (2001) & Alex Fernandez
  10. Wizards trade Phanatics 2nd & Bandits 14th to the Bulls for Mercenaries 2nd, Uncallables 11th, & Andrew Lorraine
  11. Wizards trade Oral Hershiser to the Whales for Rampage 10th
  12. Wizards trade Phanatics 5th to the MadHatters for Jose Vidro
  13. Bandits trade Tim Bogar to the Twins for John Vanderwal
  14. MadsHatters trade Angel Pena to the RoadRunners for Rampage 7th
  15. Tigers trade Jay Buhner to Jaybirds for Phanatics 10th & Wizards 4th (2001)
  16. Penfan trade Penfan 9th to the Rampage for Rampage 7th (2001)
  17. Rebels trade Rebels 6th (2001)& Rebels 14th (2001) to the Tigers for David Segui & T-Birds 13th (2001)
  18. Wizards trade Wizards 7th (2001) to the Rebels for Michael Tucker
  19. TazDevils trade TazDevils 7th (2001) to the Pods for Rich Amaral & Pods 15th (2001)
  20. MadHatters trade MadHatters 10th (2001) to the Twins for Jaybirds 14th


  1. Wizards trade Ken Caminiti to the Rebels for MadHatter 2nd
  2. RoadRunners trade TazDevils 6th to the Rebels for Wizards 8th & Bandits 11th
  3. RoadRunners trade Cris Carpenter & MadHatters 12th to the Tigers for MadHatters 4th & Tigers 11th
  4. Tigers trade Steve Finley to the Wizards for Greg Vaughn
  5. Rebels trade TazDevils 6th & Bulls 3rd (2001)to the Wizards for Dennis Reyes  ** Note this trade was later reversed and the Wizards received the Wizards 15 as compensation
  6. Rebels trade Phanatics 2nd, Rebels 3rd (2001), Rebels 7th (2001) to the Wizards for Steve Finley & Pods 10th
  7. Rebels trade Greg Swindell & Rebels 13th (2001) to the Mercenaries for Mercenaries 4th & Mercenaries 3rd (2001)
  8. Rebels trade Devon White & Phanatics 15th to the Turkeys for Turkeys 2nd (2001)
  9. Rebels trade Tony Gwynn & Mercenaries 2nd to the Bulls for BJ Surhoff
  10. Whales trade Carl Everett to the Wizards for Jeromy Burnitz
  11. Rebels trade Jaybirds 6th to the Wizards for Wizards 7th
  12. Uncallables trade Harold Baines & JayBirds 3rd to the TazDevils for Stampede 2nd & Bandits 7th
  13. T-Birds trade T-Birds 1st & T-Birds 9th to the TazDevils for TazDevils 1st & TazDevils 11th
  14. Rebels trade Vinny Castilla to the Rampage for Eric Karros


  1. Wizards trade MadHatters 2nd & Mercenaries 2nd to Rebels for Pods 1st & Pods 10th
  2. Wizards trade Darryl Hamilton, Pods 1st, & Wizards 1st (2001) to the Tigers for Jeromy Burnitz & Tigers 5th (2001)
  3. Tigers trade Pods 1st, Tigers 3rd, & Tigers 5th to the Jaybirds for RoadRunners 2nd, Tigers 2nd, & T-Birds 6th
  4. Roadrunners trade Penfan 3rd, MadHatters 7th, & RoadRunners 6th (2001) to Turkeys for Turkeys 5th, Turkeys 12th, & Turkeys 1st (2001)
  5. Tigers trade Tigers 2nd & T-Birds 6th to the Bimbos for Bimbos 2nd & Bimbos 8th
  6. Tigers trade Darryl Hamilton to Bandits  for Steve Finley 


  1. Wizards trade Mike Redmond to the Rebels for Tony Womack
  2. Wizards trade Tony Womack & Mad hatters 11th to the Mercenaries for the Mercenaries 2nd
  3. MadHatters trade Eric Milton, Reggie Sanders, & Wizards 1st to the Rebels for Sammy Sosa
  4. Tigers trade Rickey Henderson & TazDevils 4th to the Pods for the Pods 1st, TazDevils 3rd, & Uncallables 6th
  5. Pods trade Rickey Henderson to the Tigers for the Pods 1st & MadHatters 9th
  6. Mercenaries trade Michael Tucker to the Rebels for the Stampede 7th
  7. Pods trade Pods 1st (2001), Pods 3rd, & Pods 13th to the Phanatics for Phanatics 2nd & Turkeys 4th
  8. Pods trade Pods 1st, Phanatics 2nd, Phanatics 6th, & Pods 10th to the Rebels for Reggie Sanders  


  1. Wizards trade Bulls 3rd & Wizards 12th to the Bulls for Dennis Reyes
  2. Bulls trade Matt Mantai & Bulls 4th (2001) to the MadHatters for Stampede 1st
  3. Roadrunners trade Roadrunners 12th (2001) to the Tigers for the Tigers 12th (2001)
  4. Roadrunners trade Roadrunners 15th (2001) to the Tigers for the Tigers 15th (2001)
  5. Bulls trade Stampede 1st & Bulls 4th to the MadHatters for Armondo Benitez


  1. Mad Hatters trade Matt Mantei to the Bulls for the Stampede 1st
  2. Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 1st & MadHatters 2nd(2001) to the Penfan for Armondo Benitez


  1. MadHatters trade Kenny Rogers to the Turkeys for Rampage 1st
  2. Tigers trade Rebels 3 & Bimbos 5 to the Jaybirds for Dave Justice
  3. Rebels trade Tino Martinez to the Phanatics for Rico Brogna & Antonio Alfonseca
  4. Penfan trade Mo Vaughn & RoadRunners 7th to the Phanatics for Tino Martinez & T-Birds 3rd
  5. Mercenaries trade JayBirds 6th to the Rebels for Michael Tucker
  6. Wizards trade Tigers 2nd & Wizards 5th(2001) to the JayBirds for Jose Vidro & JayBirds 10th(2001)
  7. Wizards trade Bulls 1st & Wizards 4th(2001) to JayBirds for Rebels 3rd & JayBirds 1st(2001)
  8. Tigers trade Uncallables 1st, Tigers 4th, & Dave Justice to the MadHatters for JayBirds 3rd, MadHatters 4th, & Jeromy Burnitz
  9. Mad Hatters trade Wizards 14th & MadHatters 14th to the Tigers for T-Birds 13rd & Tigers 15th
  10. Wizards trade Jose Vidro & Wizards 10th(2001) to the MadHatters for Penfan 2nd & MadHatters 5th(2001)
  11. Mad Hatters trade Uncallables 1st & TazDevils 8th to the Taz Devils for Wizards 1st & Whales 10th
  12. Tigers trade JayBirds 3rd & Tigers 7th to MadHatters for Brian Anderson & MadHatters 9th
  13. Uncallables trade Barry Larkin, Uncallables 5th, Uncallables 14th(2001), & Uncallables 15th(2001) to the T-Birds for T-Birds 2nd ,T-Birds 4th, T-Birds 1st(2001), T-Birds 2nd(2001), & T-Birds 10th(2001)
  14. Uncallables trade Reggie Sanders & Uncallables 4th to the MadHatters for Rampage 1st & JayBirds 3rd
  15. Wizards trade Wizards 6th & Wizards 2nd(2001) to the Uncallables for Darryl Hamilton
  16. Wizards trade Penfan 2nd & JayBirds 1st(2001) to the Phanatics for Mike Cameron
  17. Wizards trade Bandits 1st to the Uncallables for Joe Randa
  18. Jaybirds trade Javier Vazquez & Penfan 1st to Tazdevils for Uncallables 1st, TazDevils 2nd, & TazDevils 5th(2001)
  19. Rebels trade Rebels 5th & Rebels 2nd(2001) to the Stampede for John Wetteland
  20. Uncallables trade T-Birds 2nd & Uncallables 3rd to the Tazdevils for Penfan 1st, TazDevils 5th, & TazDevils 8th
  21. Wizards trade Tony Womack to the Rebels for Antonio Alfonseca
  22. Bandits trade JayBirds 5th, Bandits 8th, Bandits 1st(2001), & Bandits 2nd(2001) to the Penfan for Jamie Moyer, Mickey Morandini, Penfan 14th(2001)
  23. Bandits trade Armondo Reynoso to the Tigers for RoadRunners 4th
  24. Bandits trade Bandits 3rd to the Stampede for Alex Ochoa
  25. Mad Hatters trade Magglio Ordonez & Andy Pettitte to the Phanatics for Eric Milton & Whales 1st


  1. Mercenaries trade Mercenaries 7th & Mercenaries 1st (2000) to the Phanatics for M. Sirotka and Phanatics 7th (2001)
  2. Rebels trade Rebels 1st (2001) & Rebels 15th to the Phanatics for G. Swindell, D. Reyes, Phanatics 15th (2001)
  3. Rebels trade D. Reyes to the Bulls for T. Crabtree & Bulls 3rd (2001)
  4. Jaybirds trade S. Casey, P. Hentgen, Jaybirds 12th, Jaybirds 8th (2001) to the RoadRunners for BlackSox 1st, Turkeys 2nd, RoadRunners 2nd, Pods 5th, & RoadRunners 3rd (2001)
  5. Bandits trade Rebels 8th & Bandits 3rd (2001) to the Phanatics for R. Seanez & Phanatics 13th (2001)