RSBL Trades

- Tigers trade Julian Tavarez, Tigers 16 to the Talleywackers for
Talleywackers 11
- Phoenix trade Eric Young to the Turkeys for Paul Wilson
- Penfan trade Carlos Pena to the Phoenix for Phoenix 9
- Tigers trade John Thompson, Turkeys 18 to the Turkeys for turkeys 6
- Tigers trade Scott Shields, tigers 18 to the Goof Troop for Goof 7
- Tigers trade Craig Biggio to the wizards for Phoenix 5
- Phoenix trade Paul Loduca, Eddie Guardado to the Uncallables for Tody
Hall, Luis Gonzalez, Tigers 1
- Phoenix trade Phoeniz 12 to the Wizards for jose Cruz, Wizards 17
- Buffalo Chips trade Brett Tomko, Chips 15 to the Uncallables for
Uncallables 8
- Wizards trade Antonio Alfonseca, Mad Hatters 18 to the Goof Troop for
Goof 8
- Wizards trade Mark Hendrickson, Pods 14 to the Goof TRoop for Goof 13
- Jabberwocky trade Mad Hatters 6 to the Taz for Michael Tucker
- Mad Hatters trade Magglio Ordonez to the Phanatics for Mike Cameron
- Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 6 to the tbirds for Josh Phelps
- Tigers trade Jose Valentin, tigers 14, Tigers 15 to the Roadrunners for
Roadrunners 5, Roadrunners 10
- Bulls trade john Lackey, Bulls 18 to the Rampage for Rampage 10
- Bulls trade Edgardo Alfonzo, Eddie Guardado to the Phoenix for Mad
Hatters 5
- Phoenix trade Tim Wakefield to the Goof Troop for Cris Capuano
- Twins trade Matthews, Twins 18 to the Goof Troop for Goof 16, Goof 17
- Wizards trade Coco Crisp, Trevor hoffman, Twins 1, Tigers 1 to the
Uncallables for Gary Sheffield, Uncallables 3
- Phoenix trade Carl Pavano to the Jabberwocky for Brian Lawrence, Alex
Gonzalez, Jab 8
- Mad Hatters trade Cliff Floyd, Eddie Guardado to the Bulls for Richard
Hidalgo, Wade Miller
- Mad Hatters trade Jose Cruz to the Wizards for Russ Ortiz
- Tigers trade Steve Trachsel, Latroy Hawkins, Tigers 17 to the Tazdevils
for Brad Radke, Taz 9
- Tigers trade Mike Piazza to the Goof Troop for Shawn Green
- Phanatics trade Jake Peavy, Shane Spencer to the Wizards for Laynce Nix
- Twins trade Shawn Green, Shea Hillenbrand, Craig Counsell to the Goof
Troop for Jason Bay, Goof Troop 6
- Twins trade Twins 1 to the Wizards for JC Romero, Justin Morneau
- Wizards trade Joe Randa to the Uncalllables for Carlos Silva
- Wizards trade Gerald Laird to the Phoenix for Phoenix 18
- Phoenix trade Phoenix 4 to the Goof Troop for Orlando Hudson, Brady
- MadHatters trade Kelvim Escobar, Willie Harris to the Pods for Jose Cruz
Jr., Juan Rincon
- Mad Hatters trade Jabberwocky 10th to the Buffalo Chips for Darren
Dreifort and the BC 18th
- Mad Hatters trade Steve Finley to the TURKEYS for Kelvim Escobar &
Phanatic 3rd.
- Mad Hatters trade Paul Quantrill to the JAYBIRDS for Brandon Inge.
- Mad Hatters trade Brandon Inge and the MH 14th to the TURKEYS for
Turkey's 7th round pick.
- Jaybirds trade JB 4, JB 7 to the Taz for Rafael
- Twins trade Greg Maddux to the Buffalo Chips for Twins 1
- Turkeys trade Victor Zambrano, Ron Belliard to the Wizards for JB 2,
Wiz 5
- Turkeys trade Tur 11 to the Wizards for Miguel Olivo
- Wizards trade Victor Zambrano, Ron Belliard, Whales 1, Wizards 1 to
the Taz for Javier Vazquez, Pokey Reese
- Goof Troop trade Jay Gibbons to the Wizards for Doug Waechtler
- Goof TRoop trade GT 15 to the Rebels for Jolbert Cabrera
- Buffalo Chips trade Eddie Guardado to the Mad Hatters for Geoff
- Bimbos trade Michael Tucker to the Taz for Placido Polanco
- Mad Hatters trade Mark Prior & Phanatic 4th to the TWINS for Jim Edmonds
& Twins 11th round pick.
- Tigers trade Richie Sexson, Larry Bigbie and Tigers 9 to Taz for Bernie
Williams, Mad Hatters 1 and Jaybirds 4
- Uncallables trade Adam Everett to the Turkeys for Tony Womack
- Ducks trade Derrick Lee and the Ducks 6th to the Bulls for Corey
Patterson and the Bulls 4th
- Mad Hatters trade Luis Castillo and the Phanatics 3rd to the PENFAN for
Willie Harris and the Uncallables 1st
- Mad Hatters trade Mike Cameron, Ramon Hernandez and the MH 7th to the
PHANATICS for Ken Griffey, Geoff Jenkins and the Phanatics 1st
- Tigers trade Lieberthal to Wizards for Wizards 4th
- Tigers trade Capuano to Goof for Goof 4th
- Jaybirds trade Austin Kearns, Carlos Lee, Carl Crawford, Kenny Rogers to
the Bimbos for Bobby Abreu
- Wizards trade Kris Benson to the Mad Hatters for Mad Hatters 18
- Tigers trade Sidney Ponson to the Turkeys for Turkeys 18
- Wizards trade Ruben Sierra to the Buffalo Chips for Buffalo Chips 14
- Turkeys trade Larry Walker, Turkeys 15 to the Phanatics for Phanatics 3
- Wizards trade Michael Cuddyer to the Phanatics for Jabberwocky 6
- Mad Hatters trade Kris Benson to the Jaybirds for Chone Figgins
- Mad Hatters trade Pedro Feliz to the Penfan for Cesar Izturis
- Mad Hatters trade Angel Berroa to the Phanatics for Brad Lidge
- Mad Hatters trade Chone Figgins, Tike Redman, Jeremy Affeldt, Mad
Hatters 9 to the Roadrunners for Russ Ortiz, Roadrunners 4
- Mad Hatters trade Milton Bradley to the Taz for Steve Finley
- Mad Hatters trade Geoff Jenkins, Ducks 1 to the Phanatics for Mike
Cameron, Phanatics 4
- Phanatics trade Chipper Jones, Larry Walker to the Tbirds for Tbirds 1,
Rampage 2
- Buffalo Chips trade Jacque Jones to the Twins for Twins 1, Pods 2
- Mad Hatters trade Carl Everett, Jeff Weaver, Mike Hampton, Jason Davis,
Ray King, Mike Restovich to the Roadrunners for Cliff Floyd, Ryan Ludwick
- Wizards traded Whales 5th to the Whales for M. Kata
- Wizards traded M. Kata, Rebels 1st, MadHatters 5th to the Rebels for M.
Rivera, Rebels 10th
- Wizards trade J. Weaver to the MadHatters for BuffaloChips 4th
- Uncallables trade Wil Cordero, Uncallables 15 to the Jabberwocky for Jab
- Whales trade Whales 10 to the Tbirds for Dave Burba
- Rebels trade Andy Pettitte, Tony Womack to the Turkeys for Darrel May,
Dave Roberts
- Rebels trade Vinny Castilla to the Jabberwocky for Ty Wigginton
- Wizards trade Wizards 11 to the Phanatics for Tony Bautista
- Wizards trade Rod Barajas to the Penfan for John Mac Donald
- Wizards trade John MacDonald to the Rebels for Dan Wilson
- Jabberwocky trade Jacque Jones to the Buffalo Chips for Carl Everett
- Jabberwocky trade Carl Everett, Jab 10 to the Mad Hatters for Alex
Sanchez, Buffalo Chips 2
- Penfan trade Dustin Mohr to the Taz for Taz 5
- Mad Hatters trade Aaron Rowand to the Turkeys for Alex Sanchez
- Jaybirds trade Julio Mateo, Jaybirds 18 to the Rampage for Rampage 3
- Turkeys trade Devanon, Phelps to the Pods for Bautista, Jennings,
Westbrook, Taz 3
- Mad Hatters trade Kyle Lohse to the Rebels for Mike Hampton
- Wizards trade Tony Clark to the Bulls for B.J. Surhoff
- Taz trade Craig wilson, Gerald Laird to the Mad Hatters for Mike
Matheny, Curt Leskanic
- Wizards trade B.J. Surhoff to the Rebels for Casey Fossum
- Mad Hatters trade Whales 1, Gerald Laird to the Wizards for Rebels 3,
Buffalo Chips 4, Brooks Kieshnick
- Rebels trade Wizards 17 to the Wizards for Dave Mccarty
- Rebels trade Larry Walker, Raul Mondesi, Rebels 13 to the Turkeys for
Sammy Sosa, Greg Norton
- Mad Hatters trade Pat Hentgen, Todd Pratt, John Flaherty, Mad Hatters 12
to the Whales for Mike Matheny, Curt Leskanic, Whales 9
- Rampage trade Gabe Kapler to the Goof Troop for Orlando Palmiero
- Rampage trade Rampage 12 to the Whales for Mark McLemore
- Wizards trade Matt Kata to the Whales for Whales 5
- Rebels trade Arthur Rhodes, Wizards 10 to the Wizards for Sterling
Hitchcock, Wizards 7
- Mad Hatters trade Chad Fox, Eric Dubose to the Turkeys for Jason Davis
Draft Day Trades - Here are the trades involving 05 picks or players.
- Roadrunners trade Jeremy Affeldt to the Mad Hatters
- Mad Hatters trade Jose Guillen to the Turkeys for Geoff Jenkins
- Jaybirds trade JB 1, JB 3 to the Tigers for Tig 5
- Pods trade Pods 3 to the Whales
- Mad Hatters trade David Weathers to the Buffalo Chips for BC 2
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 16 to the Rebels
- Bimbos trade Luis Ayala to the Tigers for Mike Koplove, Jason Michaels
- Jabberwocky trade Chad Fox to the Mad Hatters
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 15 to the Rebels
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 17 to the Rebels
- Wizards trade Wiz 18 to the Pods
- Wizards trade Juan Encarnacion Reb 4 to the Rebels for Coco Crisp
- Penfan trade John Burkett to the Uncallables for Uncallables 5
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 8 to the Rebels for Rob Mackowiack, Turkeys 15
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 15 to the Phanatics
- Wizards trade Mike Cuddyer to the Phanatics for Phanatics 13
- Wizards trade Orlando Palmiero to the Rebels for Rob Barajas
- Wizards trade Jeff Conine to the Tbirds for Tbirds 12
- Rebels trade Turkeys 16 to the Tigers
- Rebels trade Rebels 14 to the Wizards
- Bulls trade Dave Hansen to the Wizards
- Tigers trade Tigers 10 to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 9
- Taz trade Taz 8 to the Tibrds
- Mad Hatters trade Carter, Mad Hatters 6 to the Jabberwocky got Dubose
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 9 to the Wizards for wizards 15
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 13 to the Bimbos
- Tigers trade Tigers 13 to the Bimbos
- Wizards trade Phanatics 13 to the Taz
- Roadrunners trade Roadrunners 18 to the Phanatics
- Phanatics trade Phanatics 17 to the Rebels
- Wizards trade Rebels 14 to the Phanatics for Phanatics 18
- Mad Hatters trade MH 8 to the Wizards for Orlando Palmiero, Phanatics 18
- Mad Hatters trade Orlando Palmiero, Ducks 2 to the Goof Troop for Aaron Rowand, Goof Troop 18
- Pods trade Pods 8, Pods 1(05), Pods 4(05) to the Tbirds for Pods 1, Tbirds
10(05), Tbirds 15(05)
- Mad Hatters trade CC Sabathia to the Ducks for Ducks 2, Ducks 1(05)
- Rebels trade Taz 9, Rebels 5(05) to the Wizards for Coco Crisp, Wiz 17(05)
- Mad Hatters trade Jacque Jones, Wiz 12 to the Jabberwocky for Paul
Quantrill, Jab 6
- Wizards trade Goof Troop 1, Pods 7 to the Mad Hatters for Jaybirds 3,
Penfan 3, Mad Hatters 16
- Rebels trade Jacque Jones to the Mad Hatters for Goof Troop 1
- Mad Hatters trade Taz 11, Mad Hatters 12 to the Wizards for Jabberwocky 7
- Mad Hatters trade Luis Rivas, Ducks 1 to the Pods for Luis Castillo
- Mad Hatters trade Ken Griffey, Tur 10, MH 10(05) to the Phanatics for
Ducks 1, Phanatics 7, Whales 1(05)
- Uncallables trade Mad Hatters 1 to the Turkeys for Roadrunners 2, Pods 3
- Rebels trade David Weathers, Goof Troop 2 to the Mad Hatters for Joe
- Bulls trade Turkeys 1, Bulls 1(05) to the Tigers for Rebels 1
- Tigers trade Roadrunners 1, Tigers 7 to the Goof Troop for Scott Shields,
Tigers 5
- Mad Hatters trade Jab 1, JB 2 to the Jabberwocky for Milton Bradley, Jab
- Tigers trade Bulls 1 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 1
- Tigers trade TB 8 to the Roadrunners for RR 8
- Rebels trade Matt Herges, Taz 7 to the Rampage for Paul Shuey, Ram 5
- Wizards trade Goof 2, Wiz 3(05) to the Taz for Goof 1
- Taz trade Taz 4, Reb 6, MH 14 to the Goof Troop for Mark Grudzeilanek
- Rebels trade Scott Spezio, MH 7 to the Goof Troop for MH 14, Vinny
- Rebels trade Paul Shuey to the Taz Devils for Goof 2
- Wizards trade TB 2 to the Pods for Pods 7, Wiz 2(05)
- Wizards trade Wiz 14, Reb 15, Tur 18 to the Pods for Whales 14, Tig 15,
Taz 18
- Mad Hatters trade Bimbos 1, JB 14 to the Phanatics for Bulls 3, Phanatics
- Tigers trade Buffalo Chips 1 to the Phanatics for Wizards 2, Jabberwocky 4
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 3, Mad Hatters 2(05) to the Twins for Matt
Mantei, Twins 12(05)
- Mad Hatters trade Matt Herges to the Rebels for Rebels 3
- Rebels trade BC 5 to the Wizards for Coco Crisp
- Wizards trade Jab 3 to the Jaybirds for Ramon Ortiz
- Mad Hatters trade Kerry Wood, Ichiro Suzuki to the Phanatics for Magglio
Ordonez, Kyle Lohse
- Mad Hatters trade Austin Kearns, RR 7 to the Jaybirds for CC Sabathia, JB
- Mad Hatters trade Mike Hampton to the Rebels for Bim 1, Tur 10
- Rebels trade Coco Crisp to the Wizards for BC 5
- Wizards trade Alex Gonzalez to the Phanatics for Jack Wilson, Ph 12
- Wizards trade Johnny Damon, Wiz 6(05) to the Buffalo Chips for BC 3, BC
1(05), BC 4(05)
- Turkeys trade Benito Santiago, Tur 10(05) to the Phanatics for Pods 3, Ph
- Tbirds trade Morgan Ensberg to the Roadrunners for Josh Phelps, RR 1(05),
RR 2(05)
- Wizards trade Steve Trachsel, Wiz 16(05) to the Tigers for Tig 6, Tig
- Wizards trade Taz 5, Tig 6 to the Tazdevils for Pen 5, Goof 7
- Rebels trade Reb 6 to the Tazdevils for Taz 9, Taz 11
- Rebels trade Johan Santana to the Mad Hatters for Bim 1, Reb 4
- Mad Hatters trade Twins 11 to Rebels for Taz 11
- Wizards trade Taz 1 to the Uncallables for Jacque Jones
- Wizards trade Jacque Jones to the Rebels for Carlos Lee
- Ducks trade ducks 5, Ducks 2(05) to the Mad Hatters for Ray Durham
- Mad Hatters trade Ph 2, Reb 17 to the Tazdevils for JB 2, Tig 6
- Wizards trade Carlos Lee, Wiz 8(05) to the Jaybirds for Bernie Williams,
JB 2(05)
- Tazdevils trade Reb 17, Tur 18, Taz 2(05) to the Wizards for Bernie
- Tigers trade Phan 4, Tur 6 to the Uncallables for Craig Biggio, TB 8
- Phanatics trade MH 4 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 4
- Wizards trade Melvin Mora to the Uncallables for Eric Hinske
- Turkeys trade Arthur Rhodes to the Wizards for Reb 5
- Twins trade Rafael Palmiero to the Taz Devils for Pods 4, Taz 1(05)
- Wizards trade Arthur Rhodes, Wiz 10(05) to the Rebels for Reb 10, Reb
- Penfan trade Pen 1, Pen 3 to the Mad Hatters for Phan 1, Tur 5
- Penfan trade JB 2, Pen 5 to the Taz Devils for Tur 3, Tw 4
- Mad Hatters trade Ben Weber, MH 14 to the Taz for Reb 4, Taz 10
- Mad Hatters trade Pen 1, Tur 8 to the Jaybirds for Jab 1, MH 3
- Mad Hatters trade Goof 17 to the Rebels for Reb 17
- Mad Hatters trade Taz 10, MH 5(05) to the wizards for RR 5
- Pods trade Eduardo Perez, Pods 14(05) to the Wizards for Whales 14, Wiz
- Jaybirds trade John Vanderwal, JB 15(05) to the Jabberwocky for Jab 15,
Jab 4(05)
- Jaybirds trade BC 1 to the Tigers for Tig 1
- Wizards trade Eduardo Perez to the Rebels for Ram 2
- Wizards trade Ram 2 to the Jabberwocky for Steve Trachsel
- Roadrunners trade Mike Remlinger, Tur 17 to the Rebels for RR 4, Reb 14
- Jaybirds trade Hasegawa, Borowski to the Madhatters for the Buffalo Chips
1st, Madhatters 3rd, Madhatters 3rd(05)
- Whales trade Scott Rolen, Ben Weber, Jaybirds 3rd, Whales 1st(05) to the
MadHatters for Bartolo Colon, Hasegawa, Jabberwocky 1st
- TazDevils trade TazDevils 18th, TazDevils 3rd(05) to the Pods for Lowe,
Pods 18th(05)
- Wizards trade Benitez, Bulls 17th to the Whales for the Whales 5th
- Wizards trade M. Rivera to the Rebels for the Pods 1st, Rebels 1st(05)
- Wizards trade M. Alou, Wizards 12th(05) to the Jabberwocky for the
Jabberwocky 3rd, Jabberwocky 6th(05)
- Wizards trade Jack Wilson to the Phanatics for the RoadRunners 5th
- Jaybirds send Matt Stairs, Jaybirds 8th to the Whales for the Jabberwocky
1st, Bulls 17th, Whales 18th(05)
- Rampage trade the Pods 2nd, Rampage 10th to the Penfan for Juan Gonzalez,
Penfan 17th.
- Uncallables trade Uncallables 1st, T-Birds 1st, BuffaloChips 2nd,
Uncallables 7th, Uncallables 10th, Uncallables 1st(05) to the Penfan for Gary
Sheffield, Greg Myers, Joe Randa, Penfan 16th and Penfan 15th(05)
- TazDevils trade the TazDevils 6th, TazDevils 4th(05) to the T-Birds for
Brian Jordan
- Wizards trade the Pods 1st, GoofTroops 3rd to the T-Birds for Mora
- Rampage trade the Rampage 2nd(05), Rampage 5th(05) to the T-Birds for the
T-Birds 3rd, T-Birds 6th
- Rebels trade Rebels 2nd(05) to the T-Birds for GoofTroops 3rd
- MadHatters trade Steve Finley, MadHatter 1st(05) to the TazDevils for
Ichiro Suzuki, TazDevils 6th(05)
- MadHatters trade Eric Chavez, MadHatters 4th, Whales 1st(05), MadHatters
4th(05) to the Phanatics for Pat Burrell, Phanatics 1st, Phanatics 2nd,
Phanatics 12th(05)
- Wizards trade Buffalo Chips 5th to the Rebels for Wizards 17th, Rebels
- MadHatters trade Pat Burrell, Ducks 3 to the Bimbos for Mike Hampton,
Bimbos 1st