RSBL Trades

- Mad Hatters penalized 15th round pick
- Mad Hatters trade Insan-eddy 12 to the Insan-eddy for
Justin Morneau
- Jaybirds trade Whales 11, Jaybirds 14 to the Insan-eddy
for Chris Reitsma, Adam Laroche
- Jaybirds trade Michael Barrett to the Wizards for
Buffalo Chips 17
- Tigers trade Tigers 10 to the Hunters for Mad Hatters 10
- Tigers trade Tigers 16 to the Insan-eddy for David Riske
- Pods trade Aaron Harang to the Taz for Jacque Jones,
Victor Zambrano, Jay Payton, Larry Bigbie, Ronnie Belliard
- Mad Hatters trade Jab 6, Eric Hinske to the Tbirds for
Joe Crede
- Mad Hatters trade Ramon Hernandez to the Turkeys for
Jake Westbrook
- Buffalo Chips trade Rafael Betancourt, BC 14 to the
Roadrunners for JB 6
- Jabberwocky trade David Dellucci to the Tbirds for Matt
Lawton, Rodrigo Lopez
- Nuts trade Juan Pierre to the Buffalo Chips for Scott Podsednik
- Nuts trade Nuts 15 to the Rampage for Juan Rivera
- Mad Hatters trade BJ Upton, Casey Kotchman to the Jaybirds for CC Sabathia, Jerome williams
- Jaybirds trade Shea Hillenbrand to the Jabberwocky for Jab 14
- Phanatics trade Kerry Wood, Magglio Ordonez to the Pods
for Jon Garland
- Insan-eddy trade Jacque Jones to the Taz for Pods 5
- Buffalo Chips trade Bc 8 to the Wizards for Frank
Catalanotto, Wiz 18
- Wizards trade Gary Sheffield, TB 3 to the Tbirds for
Ichiro Suzuki, TB 4
- Jabberwocky trade Kenny Lofton to the Taz for Tony
Graffanino, Jorge Sosa
10/1/05 (End of Year)
- Nuts trade Bruce Chen to the Mad Hatters for Wizards 10
- Mad Hatters trade Juan Rincon to the Uncallables for
Oliver Perez
- Mad Hatters trade Ben Sheets, Matt Wise to the Phanatics
for BJ Upton, Jerome Williams, Tbirds 1
- Mad Hatters trade Bobby Abreu to the Whales for Vernon
Wells, Whales 8
- Mad Hatters trade Cliff Lee to the Bimbos for Austin
Kearns, Horacio Ramirez, Vicente Padilla, Hee Seop Choi,
Jaret Wright
- Mad Hatters trade Laynce Nix, Michael Cuddyer, Vicente
Padilla, Hee Seop Choi, Jerome Williams to the Jaybirds for
Eric Bedard, Orlando Cabrera, Mike Lowell
- Mad Hatters trade Mike Lowell to the Jabberwocky for Jab
- Mad Hatters trade Orlando Cabrera to the Tigers for Brad
- Mad Hatters trade Juan Uribe to the Wizards for Armando
- Mad Hatters trade BJ Ryan, Gabe Kapler, Jimmy Gobble to
the Ducks for Eric Gagne, Dimitri Young, Robbie Alomar,
Ducks 2
- Mad Hatters trade Dimitri Young to the Taz for Eric
- Jaybirds trade Trevor Hoffman to the Hunters for Jason
- Jaybirds trade Todd Walker to the Tbirds for Jay Gibbons
- Phanatics trade Jeff Weaver to the Wizards for Ryan
- Turkeys trade Nook Logan to the Wizards for Wiz 11
- Buffalo Chips trade Jose Vidro to the Wizards for Juan
- Wizards trade Jon Lieber, Wiz 13, TB 12 to the
Roadrunners for RR 3, Wiz 7
8/31/05 (End of Year)
- MadHatters trade Johan Santana, Mark Loretta to the Turkeys for Brain Roberts
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 10 to the Hunters for Victor Santos
- MadHatters trade Frank Catalanotto to the Wizards for the Wizards 10
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 6 to the Insan-Eddy for Yadier Molina, Insan-Eddy 12
- MadHatters trade Mike Cameron to the Tigers for J.D. Closser
- MadHatters trade Jarrod Washburn to the Wizards for Ramon Hernandez
- Tigers trade Tigers 8 to the Insan-Eddy for Mike Mussina, Insan-Eddy 17
- Tigers trade Miguel Batista to the RoadRunners for Wizards 4
- Tigers trade Tigers 13 to the Phanatics for Brad Hawpe
- Hunters trade Derrek Lee, Noah Lowry, Hunters 12, Hunters 15, Hunters 18 to the RoadRunners for Barry Zito, Turkeys 1, Wizards 1, Uncallables 4, Wizards 5
- Hunters trade Adam Eaton to the Jabberwocky for Jabberwocky 10
- Hunters trade Tom Gordon, Hunters 16 to the RoadRunners for RoadRunners 5
- Hunters trade Hunters 14 to the Phanatics for Xavier Nady
- Phanatics trade Ramon Hernandez, Tigers 2 to the Wizards for Javier Vazquez
8/1/05 (End of Year)
- Nuts trade Craig Counsell to the Hunters for Joe Randa
- MadHatters trade Cintron, Lugo, Lieberthal, Buck to the Roadrunners for Capuano, Wise, Quiroz
- Jaybirds trade Lyle Overbay to the Buffalo Chips for Eric Bedard
- Hunters trade Garret Anderson to the Roadrunners for Hunters 4
- Phanatics trade Jason Phillips, Phanatics 14 to the Turkeys for Turkeys 10
- Turkeys trade Jose Guillen to the Wizards for Luis Matos, Mike Maroth, Nook Logan
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 8 to the Wizards for Geoff Jenkins
- Wizards trade Buffalo Chips 5 to the Whales for Luis Matos
- Ducks trade Felipe Lopez to the Rampage for Brian Giles
7/1/05 (End of Year)
- Mad Hatters trade Brad Lidge to the Insan-eddy for Jose Reyes
- Mad Hatters trade David Delucci to the Jabberwocky for Alex Cintron
- Mad Hatters trade Raul Ibanez to the Taz for Gabe Gross
- Mad Hatters trade Jon Lieber to the Wiz for Mike Lieberthal
- Mad Hatters trade Jim Edmonds, Jeff Weaver to the Phanatics for Laynce
Nix, Mike Cameron, Mike Cuddyer
- Jaybirds trade Craig Monroe to the UNcallables for Shea Hillenbrand
- Jaybirds trade Eddie Guardado to the Bimbos for Wilson Betemit, Bimbos
- Bimbos trade Placido Polanco to the Taz for Randy Wolf
- Wizards trade Travis Hafner to the Taz for Richie Sexson
- Nuts trade Scott Podsednik to the Wizards for Shannon
- Nuts trade Nuts 18 to the Rampage for Aaron Guiel
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 4 to the Wizards for David
- Buffalo Chips trade Octavio Dotel, Geoff Jenkins to
the Wizards for Scott Podsednik, Mariano Rivera
- Buffalo Chips trade Bobby Higgenson, BC 3 to the
Wizards for Eli Marrero
- Wizards trade Kiko Calero, Wiz 8 to the Tbirds for TB
3, TB 12
- Nuts trade Aaron Fultz to the Wizards for Wizards 14
- Jaybirds trade Uncallables 8 to the Whales for Abraham
Nunez, Whales 12
- Buffalo Chips trade Matt Kata, Buffalo Chips 5 to the
wizards for Eric Young
- Rampage trade David Weathers to the Whales for Whales 13
- Nuts trade Nuts 6 to the Whales for Geoff Zaun
- Mad Hatters trade Javier Valentin to the Ducks for Jay Witasick
- Mad Hatters trade Jay Witasick, Wil Ledezma to the Wizards for Tim
Harikkala, Cliff Lee
- Wizards trade Wade Miller to the Taz for Steve Trachsel
- Wizards trade Pedro Feliz, Aaron Miles, Wiz 15 to the Jabberwocky for
Vinny Castilla, Rudy Seanez, Jab 3
- Mad Hatters trade Ben Grieve to the Jaybirds for Gabe Kapler
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 5 to the Tbirds for Raul Ibanez
- Mad Hatters trade Ricardo Rincon, Marlon Byrd to the Roadrunners for Wil
- Bimbos trade Esteban Yan to the Roadrunners for Ricardo Rincon
- Ducks trade Aaron Cook, Ducks 4 to the Taz for Dmitri Young, Taz 6
- Mad Hatters trade Shea Hillenbrand, Calvin Pickering to the Uncallables
for Joey Gathright, Ben Grieve
- Jaybirds trade Augie Ojeda to the Rampage for Willie Bloomquist
- Jaybirds trade Eric Young, Adrian Gonzalez, Chad Qualls to the Wizards
for Eddie Guardado, Endy Chavez
- Phanatics trade Aaron Miles to the Wizards for Mad Hatters 7
- Buffalo Chips trade Buffalo Chips 17 to the Wizards for Matt Kata
- Wizards trade Vance Wilson, Elmer Dessens to the Whales for Tim
- Jaybirds trade Tigers 10, Jaybirds 5(06), Jaybirds 8(06) to the Whales
for Matt Stairs, Whales 11(06)
- Turkeys trade Taz 3, Roadrunners 7, Tigers 9, Phoenix 13, Mad Hatters
14, Turkeys 11(06) to the Roadrunners for
Jaybirds 5, Roadrunners 6, Mad Hatters 9, Roadrunners 10, Jaybirds 12,
Roadrunners 7(06)
- Turkeys trade Eric Young to the Wizards for Turkeys 4
- Ducks trade Ducks 7 to the Whales for Whales 7
- Mad Hatters trade MH 11, MH 16 to the Phanatics for Phanatics 11,
Phanatics 16
- Mad Hatters trade Insaneddy 11, Insaneddy 12 to the Buffalo Chips for
Chips 10, Chips 12
- Mad Hatters trade Darin Erstad to the Bimbos for Bimbos 2
- Jaybirds trade Dewan Brazelton, Kip Wells to the Ducks for CC Sabathia,
Ducks 10
- Tigers trade Roadrunners 10, Tigers 12 to the Roadrunners for Hunters 7
- Phanatics trade Ichiro, Phanatics 6 to the Tbirds for Joel Pinero,
Tbirds 2, Tbirds 1(06)
- Turkeys trade John Thomson, Turkeys 14 to the Tbirds for Roadrunners 2,
Tbirds 8
- Tbirds trade Taz 4 to the Roadrunners for Pods 4
- Tigers trade Jaybirds 4 to the Mad Hatters for Richard hidalgo
- Phoenix trade Phoenix 1, Phoenix 8(06) to the Roadrunners for Jaybirds
8, Roadrunners 1(06)
- Phanatics trade UC 1, Phan 1 to the Insaneddy for the Talley 1
- Phanatics trade Brett Myers, Phan 18(06) to the Taz for Taz 10, Tigers
- Wizards trade Tur 9, Phoe 12 to the Uncallables for UC 9, UC 12
- Mad Hatters trade Bret Boone, Talley 18 to the Wizards for Wiz 2, Talley
- Mad Hatters trade Wiz 2 to the Wizards for Taz 2
- Mad Hatters trade Jason Schmidt, Phoenix 3 to the Jaybirds for Bobby
Abreu, Jaybirds 10
- Jaybirds trade Paul Konerko to the Tigers for Lyle Overbay, Hunters 1
- Jaybirds trade Hunters 1, Phoenix 3, Jaybirds 7(06) to the Tigers for
Dustin Mohr, Craig Monroe, Wiz 16
- Turkeys trade Jaybirds 2, Turkeys 18 to the Taz for Jab 4, Tigers 9, Taz
11, Taz 13
- Wizards trade Jab 6, Phoenix 10, Wiz 1(06), Wiz 5(06), Wiz 7(06) to the
Roadrunners for RR 3, Tur 4, Taz 6, RR 8(06), RR 17(06)
- Uncallables trade JB 5, UC 4(06) to the Roadrunners for Reggie Sanders,
RR 15(06)
- Phanatics trade Ducks 1, Rampage 2 to the Bimbos for Pat Burrell
- Roadrunners trade Russell Branyan, Rr 10(06) to the Hunters for Hunters
7, Hunters 14, Hunters 4(06)
- Wizards trade Mad Hatters 8, Wizards 3(06) to the Insaneddy for Kiko
- Wizards trade Eric Hinske to the Taz for Wizards 3
- Wizards trade Buffalo Chips 1, wizards 2(06) to the Whales for Armando
- Wizards trade Alfonso Soriano, Rich Harden to the Phanatics for Eric
Chavez, Mad Hatters 4, phanatics 8
- Wizards trade Mad Hatters 4, Wizards 4(06) to the Roadrunners for Jarrod
Washburn, Roadrunners 11(06)
- Wizards trade Joe Randa to the Hunters for Hunters 3
- Wizards trade Jarrod Washburn to the Mad Hatters for Wade Miller, Mad
Hatters 7(06)
- Wizards trade Buffalo Chips 4, Wizards 6(06) to the Roadrunners for
Charles Johnson
- Wizards trade Charles johnson to the Turkeys for Miguel Olivo
- Rampage trade Rampage 17, Rampage 3(06) to the Roadrunners for Ray King
- Mad Hatters trade David Ortiz to the Jabberwocky for Ben Sheets
- Mad Hatters trade Uncallables 1 to the Phanatics for jose Vidro
- Mad Hatters trade Ken Griffey, Jose VIdro, Cesar Izturis to the Buffalo
Chips for Darin Erstad, Juan Uribe, Bret Boone
- Mad Hatters trade Russ Ortiz, Roadrunners 4, Mad Hatters 3(06) to the
Turkeys for Turkeys 1, Turkeys 12, Turkeys 9(06)
- Uncallables trade Brendan Donnelly, Trevor Hoffman, Brian Meadows
UNcallables 8(06),Uncallables 10(06), Uncallables 12(06) to the Jaybirds for
Mad Hatters 3, Rampage 3, Wizards 8, Jaybirds 2(06), Jaybirds 3(06),
Jaybirds 4(06)
- Uncallables trade Eddie Guardado to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 5, Tigers
- Mad Hatters trade Taz 6, Mad Hatters 4(06) to the Roadrunners for Jeff
Weaver, Roadrunners 13(06)
- Mad Hatters trade Mike Cameron, Phanatics 1, Mad Hatters 1(06) Mad
Hatters 2(06) to the Phanatics for Adam Dunn, Phanatics 10, Phanatics 7(06)
- Jaybirds trade Jabberwocky 4, Jaybirds 1(06) to the Taz for Latroy
Hawkins, Taz 18(06)
- Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 8, Jaybirds 12, Jaybirds 6(06) to the
Roadrunners for Todd Walker, Roadrunners 14, Roadrunners 12(06)
- Roadrunners trade Jason Isringhausen, Roadrunners 7, Roadrunners 6(06) to
the Turkeys for Turkeys 1(06), Turkeys 3(06), Turkeys 4, Turkeys 13
- Insan-eddy trade Mark Loretta, Kevin Millar to the Talleywackers for
Talley 1
- Insan-eddy trade David Bell, Insan 10(06) to the Buffalo Chips for
Chips 3, Chips 2(06)
- Tigers trade Talley 11, Tigers 2(06) to the Taz for Dustin Mohr
- Phoenix trade Jason Larue to the Taz for Taz 7, Taz 4(06)
- Roadrunners trade Jose Valentin, Roadrunners 9(06) to the Tbirds for
Pods 4, Tbirds 6(06)
- Wizards trade Craig Biggio to the Buffalo Chips for Shannon Stewart