RSBL Trades

- Pods trade Pod 11 to the Taz for Greg Zaun
- Tigers trade Claudio Vargas, Bimbos 5 to the Ducks for Ducks 4
- Phanatics trade Adam Everett to the Wizards for the Phanatics 17
- The Nuts trade Scott Proctor, Nuts 14 to the Ducks for Ducks 6
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 12 to the Hunters for Xavier Nady, Hunters
- Mad Hatters trade AJ Burnett, Mad Hatters 2 to the Bimbos for Mike
Mussina, Bimbos 4
- Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 10 to the Insan-eddy for Brad Lidge, Insan-eddy
- Insan-eddy trade David Weathers, Mad Hatters 15 to the Turkeys for Road
Runners 5
- Wizards trade Freddie Garcia to the Taz for Turkeys 2
- Wizards trade Wizards 8 to the Ducks for Scott Linebrink, Ducks 15
- Wizards trade Bobby Crosby to the Jabberwocky for Brian Schneider
- The Nuts trade Mark Teahan to the Tigers for Casey Blake
- Mad Hatters trade Prince Fielder, Jhonny Peralta, Kyle Davies to the
T-Birds for K-Rod
- Mad Hatters trade Aaron Rowand, Javier Vazquez, Brandon McCarthy to the
Pods for Todd Helton, Pods 2
- Mad Hatters trade Todd Helton, Chris Burke to the T-Birds for Omar
Vizquel, AJ Burnett
- Mad Hatters trade Bobby Jenks to the Insan-eddy for Insan-eddy 3
- Mad Hatters trade Chris Ray, Ted Lilly to the Phanatics for Josh
Beckett, Gabe Gross
- Mad Hatters trade Jason Jennings, Jeremy Hermida, Gabe Gross to the
Jabberwocky for Chris Carpenter
- Pods trade Pods 8 to the Hunters for Cory Lidle, Hunters 15
- Tigers trade Eric Milton to the Taz for Kenny Lofton
- Tigers trade Kenny Lofton, Tigers 15 to the Hunters for Dan Wheeler ,
Uncallables 10
- Tigers trade Taz 7, Tigers 16 to the Roadrunners for Roadrunner 8,
Roadrunner 15
- Tigers trade Ducks 1, Tigers 4 to the Wizards for Bill Hall, Turkeys 3
- Hunters trade Matt Murton, Tigers 15 to the Uncallables for Uncallables
- Phanatics trade Jon Garland to the Bimbos for Bimbos 6
- Phanatics trade Jason Bartlett, Phanatics 17 to Wizards for Wizard 4
- Buffalo Chips trade Ken Griffey to the Wizards for Craig Monroe
- Jaybirds trade Jaybirds 17 to the Whales for Daniel Cabrera
- Tigers trade Taz 3, Tiger 9 to the Phanatics for Jim Edmonds, Miquel
Olivo, Phanatics 16
- Tigers trade Taz 2, Taz 8 to the Bimbos for Adrian Beltre and Bimbos 5
- Insan-eddy trade Mark Prior, Zack Grienke to the Jaybirds for the
Jaybirds 6, and Jaybirds 9
- Insan-eddy trade AJ Pierzynski, Insan-eddy 5 to the Jabberwocky for Jose
Contreras and Jabberwocky 16
- Turkeys trade Adam Laroche to the Bimbos for the Phanatics 3
- Tigers trade Tigers 3, Roadrunners 11 to the Taz for
Jose Vidro, Taz 8
- Turkeys trade Cory Sullivan, Turkeys 3 to the Wizards
for Shawn Green, Wizards 10, Wizards 14
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 2, Turkeys 8 to the Taz for Juan
Encarnacion, Taz 5
- Turkeys trade Rich Harden, Bobby Crosby, Turkeys 18 to
the Wizards for Jarrod Washburn, Wizards 5
- Wizards trade Michael Barrett to the Taz for Tbirds 2
- Tigers trade Roadrunners 4 to the Rampage for JJ Hardy
- Phanatics trade Phanatics 10 to the Taz for Mike Gonzalez
- Tigers trade Yadier Molina to the Roadrunners for Roadrunners 11(Next
- Phanatics trade Jeff Kent, Phanatics 18 to the Tbirds for TB 2, TB 4
- Phanatics trade TB 2 to the Taz for Brett Myers(next year)
- Bimbos trade Scot Shields to the Wizards for Kiko Calero, Phanatics 3
- Bimbos trade Brian Fuentes to the Jabberwocky for Juan Cruz
- Bimbos trade Marlon Byrd to the Jabberwocky for Jab 10
- Bimbos trade Dustin Hermanson, Bimbos 15 to the Tbirds for TB 6
- Pods lose 12th round pick due to penalty
- Nuts trade Mark Texiera, Nuts 15, Nuts 16 to the Jaybirds for Dan
Johnson, Garrett Atkins, Ryan Langerhans, Jaybirds 3, Jaybirds 5
- Nuts trade Jose Guillen to the Mad Hatters for Brandon Inge
- Jaybirds trade Matt Guerrier, Bobby Kielty to the Roadrunners for
Preston Wilson, Roadrunners 10
- Phanatics trade Phanatics 9 to the Rampage for Eduardo Perez, Nuts 17
- Phanatics trade Russ Springer to the Tbirds for Tbirds 9
- Buffalo Chips trade Chris Woodward, Buffalo Chips 3 to the Rampage for
Ryan Johnson, Rampage 9
- Bimbos trade Elmer Dessens, Bimbos 14 to the Whales for Jeremy Accardo,
Turkeys 5
- Wizards trade Mike Koplove to the Taz for Taz 15
- Rampage trade Rampage 15 to the Whales for Jody Gerut
- Mad Hatters trade Armondo Benitez to the Wizards for Pete Walker
- Wizards trade Antonio Perez, Wizards 11 to the Whales for Laynce Nix,
Whales 7
- Tigers trade Rampage 6, Jab 15 to the Roadrunners for Turkeys 6, Hunters
- Tigers trade Wizards 4, Bimbos 7, Ducks 11, Tigers 12(07), Tigers 14(07)
to the Roadrunners for Mad Hatters 5, Mad Hatters 13, Jabberwocky 15,
Roadrunners 4(07), Roadrunners 7(07)
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 6, Wizards 6, Phanatics 14, Turkeys 17, Turkeys
12(07), Turkeys 13(07) to the Roadrunners for Turkeys 7, Wizards 11, Insan-eddy
12, Wizards 13, Roadrunners 6(07)
- Tigers trade Orlando Cabrera to the Buffalo Chips for Juan Uribe
- Tigers trade Tigers 12 to the Roadrunners for Hunters 12
- Tigers trade Jaybirds 15 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 15
- Tigers trade Jaybirds 7 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 7
- Tigers trade Tigers 14, Tigers 18 to the Uncallables for RR 15, UC 18
- Tigers trade UC 18 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 18
- Tigers trade Tigers 17 to the Ducks for Ducks 17
- Tigers trade Tigers 11 to the Ducks for Ducks 11
- Tigers trade Taz 11 to the Ducks for Ducks 10
- Wizards trade Taz 14, Taz 16 to the Roadrunners for RR 14, Hunters 16
- Wizards trade RR 8 to the Rampage for Rampage 8
- Rampage trade Javy Lopez, Rampage 9 to the Tbirds for Johnny Estrada,
Tbirds 6
- Roadrunners trade RR 2, Ram 3, TB 6, TB 12, Tur 9(07) to the Tbirds for
Bim 1, MH 5, TB 8, Taz 9, TB 12(07)
- Mad Hatters trade Ducks 1, Mad Hatters 1 to the Taz for Pods 1
- Mad Hatters trade Whales 1, Phanatics 7 to the Uncallables for
Uncallables 1, Jaybirds 4
- Jaybirds trade Lance Berkman to the Taz for Mad Hatters 1, Pods 2,
Tbirds 2, Roadrunners 4
- Tigers trade Tigers 2 to the Phanatics for Ducks 2
- Tigers trade Paul Byrd, Tigers 11(07) to the Ducks for Ducks 5, Ducks
- Tigers trade Ducks 2 to the Tbirds for Tbirds 2
- Tigers trade Mike Cameron, Tbirds 2 to the Taz for Taz 1(07), Taz 2(07)
- Tigers trade Mike Mussina, Mad Hatters 3 to the Bimbos for Bimbos 1,
Bimbos 4
- Tigers trade Bimbos 1, Tigers 5(07) to the Tbirds for Tbirds 3, Tbirds
- Tigers trade Ducks 6 to the Rampage for Rampage 6
- Insan-eddy trade Ins 12, Roadrunners 14, Whales 18, Ins 13(07) to the
Roadrunners for Phoenix 8, Roadrunners 9(07)
- Turkeys trade Mike Sweeney to the Uncallables for Uncallables 3(07)
- Uncallables trade Jaybirds 3 to the Taz for Matt Stairs
- Nuts trade Gregg Zaun to the Tigers for Tigers 4
- Mad Hatters trade Jose Reyes, Tbirds 10 to the Jaybirds for Scott
Kazmir, Wilson Betemit
- Mad Hatters trade Wilson Betemit to the Wizards for Tbirds 4
- Mad Hatters trade Scott Kazmir, Mad Hatters 10(07) to the Turkeys for
Tigers 3, Roadrunners 1(07)
- Jaybirds trade Brandon Webb, Jaybirds 15 to the Tigers for Tigers 1, Taz
- Jaybirds trade Adam Laroche to the Turkeys for Roadrunners 3
- Jaybirds trade Taz 1, BC 1, Tigers 1, JB 1(07), BC 1(07) to the Rampage
for Alex Rodriguez, Ram 18, Nuts 18, Ram 17(07), Ram 18(07)
- Jaybirds trade RR 3, JB 2(07) to the Tigers for Taz 2, Tig 6(07)
- Tigers trade Tig 7 to the Bimbos for Bimbos 7
- Tigers trade Gregg Zaun to the Taz for Jab 3
- Tigers trade Jeff Kent to the Phanatics for Alfonso Soriano
- Insan-eddy trade Ins 9, Ins 14, Ins 16 to the Whales for Whales 5,
Whales 18
- Tigers trade David Riske, Tigers 10(07) to the Taz for
Taz 11, Taz 3(07), Taz 7(07)
- Wizards trade Roadrunners 4, Phanatics 1(07) to the Taz
for Todd Jones
- Tigers trade Tigers 6, Tigers 9 to the Ducks for Ducks
6, Ducks 9
- Tigers trade Tigers 3 to the Turkeys for Mad Hatters 3
- Phanatics trade Bobby Crosby, Rich Harden to the Turkeys
for Johan Santana, Adam Everett
- MadHatters trade Bruce Chen to the Wizards for Taz 5, Mad Hatter 11
- MadHatters trade Scott Rolen to the Pods for JD Drew
- MadHatters trade Jeff Weaver, Mad Hatters 2, to the Ducks for Ducks 1, Ducks 7
- MadHatters trade Ducks 7 to the Tbirds for Tbirds 7
- MadHatters trade Buffalo Chips 1 to the Jaybirds for Jason Schmidt
- MadHatters trade Jab 3, Mad Hatter 1(07) to the Taz for Jaybirds 1
- MadHatters trade Eric Bedard, Mad Hatters 9 to the Phanatics for
Phanatics 4, Phanatics 9
- Mad Hatters trade Joe Crede to the Buffalo Chips for
David Bell, BC 2(07)
- Mad Hatters trade David Bell, MH 11 to the Wizards for
Taz 5
- Mad Hatters trade Chris Capuano to the Turkeys for Aaron
- Mad Hatters trade Vernon Wells to the Wizards for Jab 3,
Wiz 1(07), Wiz 3(07)
- Mad Hatters trade TB 1, BC 1(07) to the Whales for
Whales 1, Whales 4(07)
- Mad Hatters trade Yadier Molina, Wiz 1(07), BC 2(07), RR
2(07), Whales 4(07) to the Tigers for Victor Martinez,
Tigers 7(07)
- Mad Hatters trade RR 4 to the Wizards for Jeff Weaver
- Mad Hatters trade Ducks 2, BC 4(07) to the Phanatics for
Javier Vazquez
- Mad Hatters trade Taz 5 to the Wizards for BC 8, Wiz 9
- Jaybirds trade Chris Reitsma to the Whales for UC 8,
Whales 17
- Jaybirds trade Roy Halladay, JB 15(07) to the Whales
for Scott Kazmir, Whales 4, BC 1(07)
- Tigers trade Shawn Green to the Wizards for Tigers 2,
Wiz 2(07)
- Tigers trade Tim Wakefield to the Taz for Taz 2, Taz 8
- Phanatics trade Ph 3, Ph 5, Ph 1(07), Ph 3(07) to the
Wizards for Vernon Wells, Wiz 15(07)
- Buffalo Chips trade BC 4, BC 6 to the Wizards for
Saloman Torres, RR 11
- Jabberwocky trade Jab 5, Jab 5(07) to the Rampage for
Ugueth Urbina, Ram 10(07)
- Phanatics trade Jon Garland to the Pods for Kerry Wood, Magglio Ordonez
- Nuts trade Nuts 2, Nuts 5 to the Uncallables for Clint Barmes,
Uncallables 7
- Nuts trade Luis Castillo to the Wizards for Jose Guillen
- Mad Hatters trade Adam Dunn to the Phanatics for Phanatics 1, Mad
Hatters 1, Mad Hatters 2
- Mad Hatters trade Brian Roberts, MH 7(07) to the Buffalo Chips for
Buffalo Chips 1, BC 1(07), BC 4(07)
- Mad Hatters trade CC Sabathia, Mad Hatters 12 to the Jabberwocky for Jab
1, Jab 8
- Mad Hatters trade Jake Westbrook, MH 13 to the Roadrunners for RR 4, RR
7, RR 2(07)
- Jaybirds trade Todd Jones, Kris Benson, Matt Stairs to the Taz for Taz
1, Taz 10, Taz 15
- Phanatics trade Kerry Wood, Magglio Ordonez, Phanatics 16, Phanatics 17
to the Pods for Jon Garland, Justin Speier, Jeo Seo
- Turkeys trade Geoff Jenkins, Jason Isringhausen, Turkeys 7, Roadrunners
7, Wizards 11, Tur 6(07), Tur 9(07), Tur 11(07) to the Roadrunners for
Miguel Batista, Victor Diaz, Tur 3, MH 4, Wiz 6, RR 1(07), RR 3(07), RR
- Turkeys trade Saloman Torres to the Wizards for RR 3
- Wizards trade Jose Vidro to the Taz for Taz 5, Taz 14
- Pods trade Scott Eyre to the Taz for Ducks 4