1999 RSBL Trades

- Rampage trade GA Hill, Rampage 7th, & Rampage 13th to the
RoadRunners for the Pods 6th & Clippers 14th
- Rampage trade B. Spires & Rampage 10th to the Whales for
Whales 8th
- MadHatters trade L. Stevens & MadHatters 13th to the
Whales for Whales 10th
- Wizards trade T. Goodwin & Wizards 13th to the Mercenaries
for the Mercenaries 9th
- Pods trade F.P. Santangelo to the TazDevils for the TazDevils
- MadHatters trade R. Garces to the Wizards for Wizards 14th
- Rebels trade K. Bottenfield & Clippers 5th to the Wizards
for T. Gwynn & Wizards 8th
- MadHatters trade T. Phillips & Whales 10th to the
TazDevils for TazDevils 8th
- Bandits trade S. Parris to the Uncallables for A. Reynoso
- Bandits trade B. Jordan to the Wizards for M. Stairs
- Rampage trade Tom Gordon & Ranmpage 9th to the Whales for
the Whales 7th
- MadHatters trade Marvin Benard to the Turkeys for Andy
- Mercenaries trade T. O'Leary to the Stampede for J. Guzman
- Clippers trade Konerko & MadHatters 1st to the MadHatters
for the Turkeys 1st & MadHatters 3rd
- Clippers trade E. Sprague, Ducks 8th, & Twins 14th to the
T-Birds for T-Birds 3rd & T-Birds 11th
- Bulls trade Mercenaries 10th to the Stampede for C.J.
- Wizards trade O. Hernandez, D. Cook to the Rebels for T. Gwynn
& D. Graves
- Wizards trade Rebels 6th to the Pods for K. Caminitti
- RoadRunners trade Wizards 1st to the TazDevils for Ducks 1st
& D. Oliver
- TazDevils trade Lee Stevens & TazDevils 9th to the
MadHatters for Jeremy Giambi & RoadRunners 12th
- Rebels trade Rebels 11th to the Bulls for M. Tucker &
Bulls 12th
- Bulls trade Bulls 7th to the Pods for O. Cabrera & Pods
- MadHatters trade TazDevils 9th to the Clippers for Brian
Anderson & Clippers 11th
- Bulls trade O. Cabrera to the Uncallables for T. Crabtree
- MadHatters trade M. Alou to the Bimbos for B. Fordyce
- MadHatters trade D. Justice, D. Jackson, & MadHatters 6th
to the Jaybirds for O. Hernandez, G. Williams, & Tigers 10th
- MadHatters trade O. Hernandez & MadHatters 11th to the
Wizards for Wizards 2nd & Rebels 2nd
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 7th & MadHatters 12th to the
RoadRunners for B. Rose, J. Silva, RoadRunners 12th, & RoadRunners 13th
- MadHatters trade Tigers 1st, Rebels 2nd, B. Rose to the
Stampede for J. Burnitz & Stampede 8th
- MadHatters trade T. Fryman to the Mercenaries for R. Garces
- MadHatters trade K. Garcia to the Rebels for Albie Lopez
- MadHatters trade J. Posada to the Whales for D. Segui
- MadHatters trade O. Vizquel to the Pods for M. Ordonez
- MadHatters trade J. Vidro to the Jaybirds for E. Renteria
- Rampage trade Ramon Martinez & Rampage 15th to the
MadHatters for RoadRunners 13th
- Pods trade J. Flaherty to the Uncallables for Uncallables 6th
- Rebels trade M. Stanley to the Wizards for Wizards 15th
- Bimbos trade G. Swindell & R. Brogna to the Clippers for
David Bell
- Clippers trade Tino Martinez to the Wizards for A. Alfonseca
- MadHatters trade Olerud, R. Nen, MadHatters 10th to the
Turkeys for J. Parque, T. Lee, J. Giambi, & Rampage 1st
- Clippers trade Dave Martinez & Mercenaries 6th to the
Jaybirds for J. Lieber & Jaybirds 9th
- Wizards trade Tino Martinez to the Rebels for F. McGriff
- MadHatters trade D. Wells & Mercenaries 5th to the Pods
for A. Leiter & D. Jackson
- MadHatters trade Matt Anderson to the Stampede for T.
- Stampede trade Dmitri Young to the TazDevils for TazDevils
- Tigers trade Glaus, Brian Anderson, & Tigers 9th to the
Clippers for Uncallables 1st & RoadRunners 4th
- Clippers trade TazDevils 6th & Clippers 14th to the
RoadRunners for D. Reyes, R. Seanez, & RoadRunners 8th
- MadHatters trade C. Knoblauch & Rampage 1st to the Turkeys
for the Turkeys 1st
- Wizards trade J. Vidro to the MadHatters for Rebels 2nd
- Mercenaries trade T. Gwynn to the Rebels for E. Burks
- Rebels trade Mercenaries 10th to the Bulls for S. Trachsel
- Pods trade Pods 15th, P. Astacio, & J. Lieber to the
Jaybirds for ther Clippers 6th & Tigers 8th
- Rebels trade Ducks 8th to the Clippers for P. Rapp &
Clippers 15th
- Madhatters trade B. Williams to the Tigers for J.D. Drew,
Tigers 1st, & Rebels 2nd
- Bimbos trade B. Fordyce to the MadHatters for M. Alou
- Rebels trade T. Mulholland to the Wizards for Wizards 10th
8/29/99 (All EOY)
- Rebels trade D. Mlicki to the Bulls for C. Reyes & D.
- Rebels trade D. Cruz & Jaybirds 4th to the Mercenaries R.
Ordonez & Mercenaries 10th
- Tigers trade S. Finley, S. Parris, & Tigers 14th to the
Bandits for R. Henderson & Bandits 6th
- Bulls trade Eric Young & Mercenaries 8th to the T-Birds
for R. Mendoza
- Rebels trade Andy Ashby & Rebels 7th to the Ducks for
Devon White, Fred McGriff, & Ducks 8th
- Tigers trade G. Vaughn to the Wizards for TazDevils 4th
- Pods trade S. Woodard to the TazDevils for a TazDevil 3rd
8/15/99 (All
- Tigers trade Rondell White and Carlos Reyes to
the Bulls for Kenny Lofton
- Jaybirds trade BJ Surhoff to the Bulls for J.
Vazquez and Jaret Wright
- Tigers trade K. Lofton to the Pods for
Steve Finley, Tony Batista and the Pods 4th
(All EOY unless noted)
- RoadRunners trade J. Bere & RoadRunners
10th to the Pods for B. Stein & Pods 6th
- Rampage trade K. Wood to the Clippers for
Jaybirds 2nd
- Jaybirds trade M. Stanley, E. Burks, L.
Castillo, & Jaybirds 4th to the Rebels for B.J. Surhoff & Tigers 10th
- Jaybirds trade Mercenaries 8th to the Bulls
for M. Morris
- Mercenaries trade Mercenaries 3rd &
Clippers 9th to the Turkeys for C. Peters, Tukeys 7th, & RoadRunners 11th (100)
(EOY - End of Year) or (100 - Trade during games 100-120)
- Pods trade Pods 5th to the Jaybirds for M.
Simms (100)
- Mercenaries trade B. Santiago to the Clippers
for B. Wickman (100)
- TazDevils trade M. Anderson & TazDevils
6th to the Clippers for L. Stevens (EOY)
- TazDevils trade John Valentin to the Stampede
for R. Greer (EOY)
- Tigers trade P. Hentgen & Tigers 8th to
the Jaybirds for Brian Anderson (100)
- Wizards trade T. Mulholland & A. Ledesma
to the Rebels for T. Womack & Rebels 4th (100)
- Wizards trade J. Acevedo to the MadHatters for
MadHatters 2nd (100)
- Roadrunners trade R. Aurilla, Clippers 8th,
& RoadRunners 11th to the Turkeys for the BlackSox 1st, Turkeys 2nd, &
Turkeys 14th (EOY)
- RoadRunners trade K. Escobar to the Jaybirds
for the Pods 5th (100)
- Stampede trade Stampede 10th to the Jaybirds
for R. Aguilera (100)
- Tigers trade W. Weiss to the T-Birds for
T-Birds 13th (EOY)
- Bandits trade Tigers 6th to the Mercenaries
for T. Steinbeck (EOY)
- Wizards trade C.Davis to the TazDevils for
Todd Green & TazDevils 4th (EOY)
- Bimbos trade Bimbos 5th to the Tigers for E.
Wilson (EOY)
- Tigers trade Nomo to the Bandits for T.
Fernandez & B. Taylor (EOY)
- Mercenaries trade John Vanderwal to the
Bandits for Joe Carter
- Rebels trade Andy Sheets, Antonio Alfonseca to
the Mad Hatters for Kent Bottenfield, Manny Alexander
- Stampede trade Tim Raines, Stampede 7th to the
Rebels for Chad Curtis, Rebels 12th
- Rebels trade Eddie Taubensee, Tigers 10th to
the Wizards for Joe Girardi, Jeff Reed
- Wizards trade Bryce Florie to the Bandits for
Mark Gardner
- Tigers trade Mike Morgan to the Rebels for
Hideo Nomo
- Wizards trade Tigers 10th to the Rebels for
Mike Whisenant
- Mad Hatters trade Antonio Alfonseca, Fernando
Seguignol, Mad Hatters 5th to the Wizards for Scott Service
- Stampede trade Kimera Bartee to the Taz Devils
for Taz Devils 14th
- Bandits trade F. Catalanotto to the Jaybirds
for Jaybirds 5th
- Rebels trade Dave Howard to the Wizards for
Alex Arias
- Rebels trade Eduardo Perez to the Bandits for
Luis Lopez
- Wizards trade Greg Colbrunn to the Mad Hatters
for Alex Arias
- Wizards trade Joe Carter to the Bandits for
Hal Morris
- Wizards trade Trinidad Hubbard to the Rebels
for Damon Buford
- Wizards trade Eddie Perez to the Mad Hatters
for Joe Girardi & Freddy Garcia
- Wizards trade Trevor Hoffman to the Tigers for
Bandits 1st & Tigers 2nd
- Wizards trade Damon Buford to the Bulls for
Chris Stynes & T-Birds 8th
(Draft Day)
- Wizards trade Wizards 7th & Rebels 12th to the MadHatters
for Pods 5th
- Whales trade Bulls 3rd, Stampede 10th, & Pods 16th to the
Twins for Twins 5th, Twins 9th, Twins 13th, & Twins 14th
- RoadRunners trade Stampede 1st to the Wizards for Bulls 4th
& Wizards 1st (2000)
- TazDevils trade Sele to the Ducks for the Ducks 1st (2000)
- RoadRunners trade MadHatters 6th & RoadRunners 4th (2000)
to the Clippers for the Rebels 3rd
- RoadRunners trade Rebels 4th to the Bandits for the Bandits
2nd (2000)
- Rebels trade E. Yan & Rebels 8th (2000) to the Bandits for
C. Curtis & Bandits 11th (2000)
- Bandits trade D. Henry to the Tigers for Tigers 6th (2000)
- Pods trade Turkeys 8th to the Jaybirds for the Jaybirds 7th
- Jaybirds trade Turkeys 8th to the T-Birds for the T-Birds 6th
- T-Birds trade K. Brown & T-Birds 8th (2000) to the Bulls
for J. Smoltz & Bulls 6th (2000)
- MadHatters trade MadHatters 8th (2000) to the Twins for the
Stampede 10th
- J-Birds trade Jaybirds 8th (2000) to the Pods for the Pods 8th
- RoadRunners trade Roadrunners 9th (2000) & RoadRunners
14th (2000) to the Twins for the Twins 11th & Twins 16th
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 3rd & Stampede 1st (2000) to the
Bulls for A. Pettitte
- Stampede trade Stampede 2nd (2000) & Rampage 11th to the
TazDevils for S. Andrews
- Jaybirds trade R. Rivera & Tigers 1st to
the Bimbos for G. Vaughn and Bimbos 15th
- Wizards trade Jaybirds 15th to the Stampede
for Stampede 15th
- Whales trade Whales 1st, Whales 15th, Whales
3rd (2000) to the Roadrunners for C. Everett & Road Runners 6th (2000)
- Tigers trade S. Brosius, M. Stanley, Tigers
2nd to the Jaybirds for G. Vaughn, G. Gaetti, & Clippers 6th
- Clippers trade T-Birds 1st, Clippers 2nd,
Clippers 4th (2000), & Clippers 9th (2000) to the Mercenaries for M. Cameron,
Mercenaries 4th, Mercenaries 1st (2000), MadHatters 1st (2000), & Mercenaries 6th
- Clippers trade TazDevils 1st to the
Uncallables for the TazDevils 3rd & Uncallables 1st (2000)
- MadHatters trade G. Sheffield & MadHatters
6th to the BlackSox for M. Stairs & J. Fassero
- BlackSox trade MadHatters 6th & Black Sox
3rd (2000) to the RoadRunners for D. Kile & Road Runner 7th (2000)
- Tigers trade TazDevils 5th to the Stampede for
Stampede 5th
- Wizards trade C. Curtis to the Bandits for the
Mercenaries 3rd
- Jaybirds trade J. Buener & Jaybirds 6th
(2000) to the Mercenaries for G. Gaetti, Mercenaries 6th, & Mercenaries 8th (2000)
- Wizards trade E. Martinez & Ger. Williams
to the Jaybirds for D. Justice & E. Alfonzo
- MadHatters trade M. Stairs to the Wizards for
D. Justice
- Tigers trade E. Burks, Tigers 1st, &
Bimbos 1st to the Jaybirds for Mercenaries 6th & E. Martinez
- Wizards trade H. Nomo & Wizards 11th to
the Rebels for L. Hernandez & Bulls 12th
- Rebels trade Tigers 10th to the Mercenaries
for Rebels 11th
- Rebels trade Jaybirds 10th to the Bandits for
the Wizards 9th
- Clippers trade Uncallables 5th & Jaybirds
10th to the Rebels for M. Grudzielanek & Wizards 13th
- Rampage trade Rampage 1st, Rampage 1st (2000),
& Rampage 2nd (2000) to the Turkeys for the Turkeys 1st
- Clippers trade Jaybirds 3rd & Bulls 3rd to
the Whales for the Whales 8th & Whales 1st (2000)
- Clippers trade Clippers 3rd & BlackSox 1st
(2000) to the Turkeys for the Turkeys 2nd & Turkeys 4th (2000)
- Whales trade Whales 9th to the Stampede for
the Stampede 10th
- Rampage trade Rampage 6th, Whales 6th, Rampage
9th, Rampage 11th, Rampage 14th, & Rampage 16th to the Stampede for the Stampede 6th,
MadHatters 7th, Stampede 9th, Stampede 11th, Stampede 14th, & Stampede 16th
- Wizards trade B.J. Surhoff, Wizards 13th,
& Wizards 9th (2000) to the Rebels for C. Curtis, Rebels 10th, & Rebels 6th (2000)
- Tigers trade JayBirds 1st to the Pods for the
MadHatters 1st
- Tigers trade M. McLemore to the Pods for the
Pods 4th
- Stampede trade Stampede 3rd, Jaybirds 5th,
Bandits 5th, Stampede 1st (2000), & Stampede 3rd (2000) to the Turkeys for G. Olsen,
D. Veres, T. Wendell, & S. Reed
- Rebels trade R. Ordonez & Rebels 11th to
the Mercenaries for D. Cruz & Mercenaries 5th
- MadHatters trade D. Wilson to the BlackSox for
BlackSox 7th & BlackSox 2nd (2000)
- Tigers trade Rebels 1st, Stampede 1st,
Stampede 2nd, & Tigers 16th to the RoadRunners for RoadRunners 1st, Uncallables 1st,
BlackSox 3rd
- Tigers trade R. Henderson & Bandits 2nd to
the Bandits for the Jaybirds 1st & Tigers 4th
- Wizards trade R. Ventura to the Bulls for the
Bulls 4th, Bulls 1st (2000) & Bulls 3rd (2000)
- Whales trade Eric Davis & Whales 4th to
the Tigers for D. Easley & T-Birds 6th
- Tigers trade J. Cruz Jr. & Tigers 3rd to
the TazDevils for Rondell White
- Bandits trade D. Glanville, Bandits 6th,
Bandits 7th, & Bandits 5th (2000) to the Turkeys for C. Counsell, Doug Henry, K.
Stinnett, & Turkeys 8th (2000)
- Rebels trade Wizards 2nd & RoadRunners 9th
to the Bulls for A. Osuna & Bulls 12th
- Bulls trade T. Zeile, Wizards 2nd, & Bulls
9th to the Turkeys for O. Dall & J. Powell
- Tigers trade I. Valdez & Tigers 10th
(2000) to the Rebels for McLemore, Tigers 1st, Rebels 2nd (2000) & Rebels 3rd (2000)
- Mercenaries trade Knoblauch & Mercenaries
5th (2000) to the Madhatters for Todd Walker, Twins 3rd, and Mad Hatters 1st (2000)
- Tigers trade Tigers 1st to the Rebels for Tony
- Mercenaries trade Todd Walker to the Jaybirds
for Roberto Alomar
- Tigers trade Tony Fernandez, Tigers 4th,
Tigers 12th, to the Bandits for Bandits 2nd, Bandits 12th, and Bandits 1st (2000)
- Clippers trade B. Smith to the T-Birds for
T-Birds 3rd
- Clippers trade Arrojo, Mecir, A. Benitez, R.
Hernandez, Clippers 7th (2000), to the Black Sox for T. Hundley, J. Buener, Black Sox 8th,
Black Sox 13th, & Black Sox 1st (2000)
- Clippers trade E. Yan to the Rebels for Rebels
- Clippers trade R. Winn, Clippers 12th,
Clippers 15th to the Roadrunners for Jaybirds 3rd & Ducks 9th
- Clippers trade A. Lopez, A. Rhodes, C. Curtis,
Clippers 5th (2000) to the Rebels for J. Guillen, Wizards 10th, Tigers 11th, & Rebels
1st (2000)
- Clippers trade Clippers 1st, J. Santana, J.
Burkett, J. Orosco, Tim Worell, J. Buener, Clippers 6th, Clippers 6th (2000), &
Clippers 10th (2000) to the Jaybirds for T-Birds 1st, TazDevils 1st, Bulls 3rd, Jaybirds
8th, Jaybirds 10th, Jaybirds 12th, Jaybirds 13th, Jaybirds 1st (2000), & Jaybirds 2nd
- Clippers trade clippers 4th & Jaybirds 1st
(2000) to the Twins for Tino Martinez & Twins 14th (2000)
- Clippers trade Terry Steinbach, Black Sox 8th,
Jaybirds 13th to the Mercenaries for the TazDevils 3rd, Roadrunners 12th, & Ducks 13th
- Clippers trade TazDevils 3rd & Clippers
9th to the Uncallables for Scott Spezio & Uncallables 5th
- Rebels trade A. Rhodes to the Bandits for Mark
- Mercenaries trade Twins 3rd, Ducks 7th to the
TazDevils for D. Nilsson & TazDevils 12th