RSBL Trades

1999 Trades 2000 Trades
2001 Trades
2002 Trades
- Penfan trade Penfan 15 to the Rampage for Danny Graves
- Penfan trade Armando Benitez to the Wizards for Phanatics 18
- Mad Hatters trade Mike Sweeney, Eric Milton to the Turkeys for Matt Herges,
buffalo Chips 1
- Pods trade Brad Radke to the Taz for Jose Cruz, Jr.
- Pods trade Pods 10 to the Tigers for Robb Nen, Tigers 15
- Tigers trade Ugueth Urbina to the Phanatics for Phanatics 4
- Tigers trade Tigers 2,3,5,12,14 to the Goof Troop for Tigers 1, Mad
Hatters 2, Twins 10, Turkeys 15
- Phanatics trade Josh Phelps, Ramon Vazquez, Phanatics 17 to the
Roadrunners for B.Y. Kim, Roadrunners 5
- Phanatics trade Kris Benson, Phanatics 18 to the Wizards for Rebels 8
- Wizards trade Francisco Cordero to the Bulls for Rebels 3
- Wizards trade Rebels 3, Roadrunners 4 to the Rebels for Tbirds 2, Taz 5
- Uncallables trade Mad Hatters 5, Ron Villone to the Ducks for Craig Biggio
- Twins trade Julio Lugo to the Goof Troop for Shea Hillenbrand
- Tigers trade Danny Bautista, Tigers 11 to the Goof Troop for Goof Troop 9
- Tigers trade Magglio Ordonez to the Phanatics for Rebels 1, Bulls 1,
Roadrunners 1
- Tigers trade Francisco Cordero to the Wizards for Wizards 7
- Turkeys trade Tony Bautista to the Wizards for Arthur Rhodes
- Wizards trade Pods 4 to the Taz for Moises Alou
- Wizards trade John Olerud to the Jaberwocky for Jab 7
- Jabberwocky trade JT Snow, Jab 16 to the Goof Troop for Goof Troop 10
- Twins trade Roberto Alomar to the Bimbos for Bimbos 4
- Mad Hatters trade Turkeys 1 to the Bulls for ken Griffey, Jr.
- Pods trade Pods 14 to the Tigers for Jason Jennings
- Tigers trade Jay Gibbons, Erubiel Durazo, Tigers 4 to the goof Troop for
Sidney Ponson, Keith Foulke, Jose Valentin
- Wizards trade Rebels 6 to the Rebels for John Olerud
- Wizards trade Wizards 15 to the Bulls for Trevor Hoffman, Bulls 17
9/1/03 (End of year)
- Twins trade Luis Rivas, Twins 11 to the Mad Hatters for Brian Schnider,
Chad Bradford
- Mad Hatters trade Carl Pavano, Johan Santana to the Rebels for Turkeys 1
- Mad Hatters trade Chipper Jones to the Phanatics for JD Drew, Brian
Roberts, Wes Helms
- Mad Hatters trade Johnny Damon to the Wizards for Steve Finley
- Mad Hatters trade Brian Roberts, Wes Helms to the Turkeys for Turkeys 5,
Roadrunners 7
- Mad Hatters trade Eduardo Perez, JD Drew to the Pods for Bartolo Colon
- Mad Hatters trade Jack Wilson to the Wizards for Wizards 12
- Mad Hatters trade Ben Sheets, Mad Hatters 11 to the Jabberwocky for Jab 1
- Pods trade Larry Walker to the Rebels for Sean Burroughs
- Pods trade Marquis Grissom to the Buffalo Chips for Goof Troop 4
- Jaybirds trade Ted Lilly to the Goof Troop for Goof Troop 8
- Turkeys trade Roadrunners 4 to the Wizards for Benito Santiago
- Buffalo Chips trade Vinny Castilla to the Goof Troop for Goof Troop 4
- Buffalo Chips trade Buffalo Chip 5 to the Wizards for David Wells
- Wizards trade Robin Ventura to the Rebels for Kevin Appier
- Wizards trade Jose Valentin, Keith Foulke, Twins 10, Wizards 11 to the
Goof Troop for Alex Gonzalez(Chi), Goof 2, Goof 3
- Wizards trade John Olerud, Wizards 5, Wizards 10 to the Rebels for Doug
Mientkiewicz, Rebels 5, Rebels 15
- Wizards trade Wizards 8 to the Bulls for Travis Hafner
- Wizards trade Tim Wakefield, Doug Mientkiewicz to the Rebels for Freddie
- Goof Troop trade Goof 7 to the Tazdevils for Damian Rolls
- Goof Troop trade Scott Spezio to the Rebels for Mark Grudzielanek
- Rebels trade Turkeys 3 to the Tazdevils for Eric Young, Taz 5
8/1/03 (End of year)
- Twins trade Twins 4 to the Taz for Roberto Alomar
- Mad Hatters trade Turkeys 6 to the Tigers for Kenny Lofton
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 13 to the Phanatics for Ben Broussard,
Phanatics 16
- Mad Hatters trade Juan Encarnacion, Tigers 1, Mad Hatters 2 to the Goof
Troop for Adam Dunn, Goof Troop 17
- Mad Hatters trade Freddie Garcia, Kenny Lofton to the Rebels for Ben
Sheets, Jabberwocky 10
- Mad Hatters trade Alfonso Soriano to the Wizards for Chipper Jones, Ray
- Mad Hatters trade Pods 2 to the Rampage for David Ortiz, Rampage 8
- Mad Hatters trade Adam Dunn to the Phanatics for Kerry Wood
- Mad Hatters trade Carlos Zambrano, Ben Broussard to the Uncallables for
Ramon Hernandez
- Wizards trade Andy Pettitte to the Rebels for Taz 1
- Wizards trade Kevin Appier to the Rebels for Rebels 6
- Wizards trade Carlos Lee, Wizards 17 to the Rebels for Pods 4
7/1/03 (End of Year)
- Wizards trade V. Wilson to the MadHatters for Carlos Lee
- Jabberwocky trade Jose Guillen to
the Mad Hatters for Gary Knotts
- Mad Hatters trade Buffalo Chips 2,
Brad Penny to the Uncallables for Angel Berroa
- Jabberwocky trade Adam Kennedy to
the Rampage for Ty Wiggington
- Twins trade Chris Hammond, Twins 10 to the Wizards for Wizards 1
- Twins trade Britt Reames to the Rebels for turkeys 16
- Mad Hatters trade Tim Wakefield to the Wizards for Carlos Zambrano
- Pods trade Pods 6 to the Whales for Masato Yoshii, Whales 11
- Bimbos trade Bimbos 6 to the Uncallables for Juan Acevedo
- Uncallables trade Bobby Kielty, Uncallables 3, Uncallables 6 to the Tbirds
for Dustin Mohr, Tbirds 1, Tbirds 8
- Jaybirds trade Mad Hatters 5 to the Uncallables for Ron Gant, Uncallables
- Rampage trade Dan Reichart to the Whales for Whales 15
- Mad Hatters trade Derek Lowe, Timo Perez, Lenny Harris, Keith Ginter, Mad
Hatters 18 to the Pods for Freddie Garcia, Juan Encarnacion, Matt Franco,
Kelvim Escobar, Pods 2
- Mad Hatters trade Kelvim Escobar, Mad Hatters 17 to the Turkeys for Mad
Hatters 3
- Mad Hatters trade Orlando Merced to the Rebels for Wendall Magee
- Mad Hatters trade Turkeys 7 to the Turkeys for Carl Pavano
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 3 to the Rebels for Rick Helling, Tigers 10
- Rampage trade Russell Branyan, Rampage 3 to the Whales for David Ortiz,
Whales 7
- Wizards trade Peter Munro to the Rebels for Rebels 8
- Jabberwocky trade Jab 10 to the Rebels for Jose Guillen
- Pods trade Wendell Magee, Pods 4 to the Rebels for Doug Glanville
- Phanatics trade Troy O'Leary to the Rempage for Rampage 12
- Turkeys trade Ryan Jensen, Rampage 2 to the Rebels for Omar Daal, Rebels
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 1, Pods 1, Taz 1, Sean Burroughs, Dave Berg to the
Rebels for Rebels 13, Sammy Sosa, Tony Batista
- Mad Hatters trade Geoff Jenkins to the Turkeys for Orlando Merced, Mad
Hatters 2
- Wizards trade Tony Graffanino to the Rebels for Coco Crisp
- Pods trade Grant Roberts to the Goof Troop for Olmedo Saenz
- Turkeys trade Scott Sullivan to the Rebels for Mike Difelice
- Penfan trade Buffalo Chips 7 to the Jaybirds for Jaybirds 6(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Christian Guzman, Rebels 11 to the Rebels for Tigers 1, Buffalo Chips 2, Jack Wilson
- Phanatics trade Mad Hatters 7 to the Rebels for Scott Strickland
- Wizards trade Mike Myers to the Rebels for Rebels 12
- Bulls trade Jose Guillen to the Rebels for Damian Jackson
- Tigers trade Tigers 13th to the T-Birds for Barry Larkin
- Jaybirds trade Wiz 5, JB 2(04) to the Penfan for PF 2, PF 12
- Bimbos trade Jose Jimenez to the Mad Hatters for BC 2
- Tbirds trade Ram 7, TB 14(04) to the Jaybirds for JB 14, JB 7(04)
- Bimbos trade Gabe White to the Uncallables for MH 5, UC 2(04)
- Tbirds trade TB 10 to the Jaybirds for JB 9(04)
- Tbirds trade Ram 10 to the Rebels for Reb 9(04)
- Turkeys trade Tur 16(04) to the Rebels for Gu 15
- Twins trade Tw 15(04) to the Penfan for PF 15
- Twins trade Ram 16 to the Roadrunners for RR 15(04)
- Turkeys trade Tur 15(04) to the Goof Troop for GT 18, GT 18(04)
- Mad Hatters trade MH 14, RR 1(04) to the Phanatics for Christian Guzman
- Pods trade Jason Marquis, Pods 9 to the Turkeys for Reb 2
- Rebels trade John Lackey to the Bulls for Bulls 4
- Tigers trade Bim 13 to the Jaybirds for Benji Gil
- Wizards trade Wiz 4(04) to the Whales for RR 5
- Bimbos trade Ducks 6 to the Jaybirds for JB 5(04)
- Turkeys trade MH 6 to the Mad Hatters for UC 5(04)
- Tbirds trade RR 8, TB 15(04) to the Rampage for Tur 14, Ram 7(04)
- Uncallables trade Dave Burba to the Tigers for Cris Carpenter
- Tigers trade Bim 10 to the Rebels for Bill Mueller
- Tigers trade Tig 10(04) to the Rebels for Pods 11
- Wizards trade Wiz 9(04) to the Tbirds for Tony Graffinino
- Wizards trade Wiz 15 to the Whales for Wh 14(04)
- Roadrunners trade RR 16(04) to the Twins for TW 17
- Bimbos trade Bim 15 to the Uncallables for UC 14(04)
- Tigers trade Benji Gil to the Bulls for Bulls 17, Bulls 18
- Bulls trade Angel Echevarria to the Jaybirds for Pods 17
- Jaybirds trade Damian Jackson to the Bulls for Benji Gil
- Mad Hatters trade MH 9(04) to the tigers for Eduardo Perez
- Rebels trade Mike Young, Jose Guillen to the Bulls for Damien Jackson,
Cesar Isturis
- Wizards trade Jack Wilson, David
Weathers to the Rebels for Bulls 5, Mad Hatters 7
- Rebels trade S. Spezio to the
GoofTroops for Sheets, GoofTroop 6th
- Wizards trade MadHatter 1st,
Wizards 2nd(04) to the Phanatics for Foulke, Phanatics 5th(04)
- Wizards trade Bobby Kielty to the Uncallables for Mad Hatters 1
- Goof Troop trade Ducks 4, Phanatics 7 to the Uncallables for Uncallables
4, Uncallables 8
- Penfan trade Penfan 1, Penfan 10(04) to the Phanatics for Taz 1, Phanatics
- Phanatics trade Mad Hatters 1, wizards 2, Jaybirds 5 to the Uncallables
for Bulls 1, Mad Hatters 2, uncallables 6
- Mad Hatters trade pods 1, Tigers 2, phanatics 2(04), phanatics 5(04), Mad
hatters 10(04) to the Phanatics for derek Lowe, phanatics 6, phanatics 15,
phanatics 8(04), phanatics 13(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Trot Nixon, Phanatics 8(04) to the Taz for Buffalo Chips
2, Roadrunners 1(04)
- Tigers trade Roadrunners 3 to the Taz for guardians 4, Taz 10
- Phanatics trade Mad Hatters 2, tigers 2 to the uncallables for Taz 2,
Ducks 4
- Phanatics trade Phanatics 2, Taz 2, Ducks 4 to the Goof troop for Goof
Troop 1, Phanatics 10
- Goof Troop trade Terrence Long, Tigers 1(04) to the Rebels for jeff Suppan,
Rebels 4(04)
- Goof Troop trade Pods 8, Pods 11, Pods 15, Rebels 4(04) to the Rebels for
Antonio Alfonseca, Phanatics 10, Taz 15
- Rebels trade Moises Alou, Rebels 4(04) to the Taz for Chan Ho Park
- Mad Hatters trade Bobby Keilty to the Wizards for Bulls 3, Roadrunners 3
- Mad Hatters trade Ducks 2, Wizards 5 to the Jaybirds for Carlos Lee
- Mad Hatters trade Robbie Alomar, Randy Wolf, Jaybirds 1, Buffalo Chips 2
to the Tazdevils for Alfonso Soriano, Taz 6
- Mad Hatters trade Jay Gibbons, Roadrunners 3 to the tigers for Goof Troop
2, Tigers 4
- Mad Hatters trade Omar Daal, Tigers 4, Tbirds 2(04), Buffalo Chips 2(04)
to the Rebels for Trot Nixon, Milton Bradley, Rebels 11(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Milton Bradley, Rebels 11 to the Guardians for Brad
Penny, Guardians 17
- Guardians trade Guardians 4 to the Taz for Kevin Brown
- Goof Troop trade Goof Troop 1(04) to the Taz for Jaybirds 1
- Mad Hatters trade Chipper Jones, Bulls 3 to the Wizards for bobby Kielty,
wizards 1, Tbirds 5
- Mad Hatters trade Bobby Abreu, ducks 6 to the Bimbos for Bimbos 1,
Jaybirds 2
- Mad Hatters trade Aaron Boone, Mad Hatters 8 to the Buffalo Chips for Jay
gibbons, Buffalo Chips 4
- Jaybirds trade Guardians 7, Jaybirds 3(04), Bulls 4(04) to the Whales for
Ted Lilly, Whales 9(04), Whales 17(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Eddie Guardado, Mad Hatters 9 to the Buffalo Chips for
Guardians 3, Buffalo Chips 5
- Buffalo Chips trade Tony Batista, Buffalo Chips 12 to the Rebels for Desi
Relaford, Goof Troop 5
- Mad Hatters trade Al Leiter, Steve Trachsel, Mad Hatters 17 to the
Guardians for Jaybirds 1, Mad Hatters 1, Mad Hatters 8
- Mad Hatters trade Paul Loduca, Milton Bradley, Mad Hatters 10 to the
Rebels for Trot Nixon, Damien Miller, Tigers 5
- Mad Hatters trade Trot Nixon to the Wizards for Buffalo Chips 2, Wizards
- Mad Hatters trade Pods 6, Mad Hatters 6, Buffalo Chips 1(04), Mad Hatters
2(04), Wizards 3(04) to the Turkeys for Randy Wolf, Dan Wilson, Turkeys 7(04),
Turkeys 8(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Jason Jennings to the Tigers for Tigers 2
- Turkeys trade Placido Polanco, Craig Wilson, Jose Mesa to the TazDevils
for Rebels 6, Twins 6, Taz 13, Taz 1(04), Taz 3(04)
- Wizards trade Trot Nixon, Jaybirds 7 to the Rebels for Kevin Appier
- Whales trade Todd Hollandsworth, Whales 18(04) to the Tazdevils for
Wizards 6, Roadrunners 3(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Rafael Furcal, Damien Miller, Mad HAtters 11 to the
Ducks for Ducks 2, Ducks 4, ducks 6, ducks 1(04), Ducks 3(04)
- Bimbos trade Luis Gonzalez to the Uncallables for guardians 1, michael
- Guardians trade Guardians 6 to the Bulls for Roadrunners 6
- Mad Hatters trade Ducks 4, Mad Hatters 1(04) to the Uncallables for Aaron
Boone, Uncallables 5(04)
- Turkeys trade Turkeys 2 to the Bulls for Pods 1(04)
- Turkeys trade Shannon Stewart to the Buffalo Chips for Rebels 2, Jaybirds
- Turkeys trade Chan Ho Park, Turkeys 18(04) to the Tazdevils for Taz 14,
Taz 2(04)
- Turkeys trade Brad Fullmer, Turkeys 6, Turkeys 17, Turkeys 18, Turkeys
14(04) to the Roadrunners for Rebels 3, Roadrunners 13, Roadrunners 2(04)
roadrunners 7(04)
- Turkeys trade Desi Relaford, Turkeys 10(04) to the Rebels for Guardians 5,
Rebels 7(04)
- Phanatics trade Bret Boone to the Buffalo Chips for jose Vidro
- Buffalo Chips trade Brian Anderson to the Tazdevils for Carl Everett
- Twins trade Twins 5, Twins 9, Twins 13, Twins 16 to the Rampage for
Rampage 5, Rampage 9, Rampage 12, Rampage 16
- Mad Hatters trade Mad Hatters 1, Ducks 1(04), Mad Hatters 7(04) to the
Phanatics for Garrett Anderson, Phanatics 2(04), Phanatics 5(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Garrett Anderson to the Bulls for Bulls 1, Wizards 5
- Mad HAtters trade Bulls 1, Mad Hatters 5 to the Uncallables for Jason
- Turkeys trade Russ Branyan, Buffalo Chips 3, Turkeys 14, Turkeys 9(04) to
the Rampage for Rampage 6, Rampage 8, Twins 9, Rampage 2(04)
- Turkeys trade Rebels 3, Taz 4, Turkeys 9, Rebels 7(04), Turkeys 17(04) to
the Roadrunners for Turkeys 6, Guardians 8, Roadrunners 11, Roadrunners 15,
Whales 14, Roadrunners 4(04), Roadrunners 6(04)
- Rampage trade Rampage 15, Rampage 6(04) to the Whales for Whales 7, Whales
- Tigers trade Uncallables 5 to the Goof Troop for Kenny Lofton
- Tigers trade Tigers 6, Goof Troop 10, Tbirds 13 to the Bimbos for Bimbos
7, Bimbos 10, Bimbos 13
- Jaybirds trade Bulls 1, Pods 1(04) to the Bulls for C.C. Sabathia, Bulls
- Tigers Trade Tigers 16 to the Roadrunners for Roadrunners 16
- Bulls trade Mike Young to the Rebels for Buffalo Chips 6, Rebels 3(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Billy Koch, Mad Hatters 5(04) to the Jaybirds for Bulls
3, Jaybirds 1(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Rebels 1, Jaybirds 1(04), Mad Hatters 3(04) to the
Turkeys for Johnny Damon, Turkeys 6(04)
- Jaybirds trade Guardians 10, Jaybirds 11(04) to the Wizards for Darryl
Ward, Wizards 18(04)
- Tigers trade Jason Isringhausen to the Roadrunners for Robb Nen
- Guardians trade Tigers 5 to the Rebels for Fernando Tatis, Wizards 13
- Guardians trade Guardians 5, Guardians 9 to the Rebels for Paul Quantrill,
Tigers 13
- Roadrunners trade Wizards 6, roadrunners 18, Roadrunners 1(04),
Roadrunners 3(04) to the Tazdevils for Rebels 3, Guardians 8, Tazdevils 8(04)
Tazdevils 13(04)
- Rebels trade Eric Young to the Tazdevils for Tazdevils 7, Tazdevils 7(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Nomar Garciaparra to the Bulls for Rafael Furcal, Pods
1, Tbirds 2(04)
- Mad Hatters trade Curt Schilling, Mad Hatters 18, Mad Hatters 8(04) to the
Buffalo Chips for Jason Jennings, Rebels 1, Buffalo Chips 1(04), Buffalo Chips
- Pods trade Pods 8, Pods 11, Pods 15 to the Goof Troop for Goof Troop 8,
Goof Troop 11, Goof Troop 15
- Pods trade Kris Benson, Tazdevils 1, Pods 3(04) to the Phanatics for
Freddie Garcia, Phanatics 5
- Buffalo Chips trade Moises Alou, Buffalo Chips 6, Buffalo Chips 9 to the
Rebels for Rey Ordonez, Guardian 3, Phanatics 13
- Buffalo Chips trade Mariano Rivera to the Wizards for Rebels 1, Rebels 2
- Wizards trade Rebels 4(04) to the Rebels for Tazdevils 5
- Goof Troop trade Trot Nixon, Goof Troop 5 to the Rebels for Terrence Long,
Scott Hatteburg
- Mad Hatters trade Vladimir Guerrero, David Bell, Mad Hatters 12 to the
Pods for Eric Chavez, Bobby Abreu, Pods 6
- Pods trade Bulls 1, Bulls 3, Pods 1(04) to the Jaybirds for Larry Walker,
Jaybirds 12
- Tigers trade Rampage 1, Tigers 1(04) to the Goof Troop for Jason
Isringhausen, Goof Troop 2
- Phanatics trade Rebels 2 to the Rebels for Rebels 1(04)
- Phanatics trade John Olerud to the Wizards for Wizards 2
- Phanatics trade Phanatics 4, Phanatics 7 to the Goof Troop for Mo Vaughn,
Goof Troop 13
- Buffalo Chips trade Shea Hillenbrand to the Goof Troop for Tony Batista
- Wizards trade Scott Hatteburg to the Rebels for David Weathers
- Wizards trade Roadrunners 1, Rebels 2(04) to the Uncallables for Jeff
- Guardian trade Guardian 3, Guardian 14 to the Rebels for Jeff D'amico
- Bulls trade Bulls 5, Bulls 8 to the Rebels for Wizards 5, Rebels 10
- Rebels trade Kevin Brown to the Tazdevils for Taz 5, Taz 15
- Wizards trade the BuffaloChips 1st,
Wizards 6th to the Roadrunners for the Roadrunners 1st, Roadrunners 3rd
- T-Birds trade Pods 1st, T-Birds
6th, T-Birds 2nd(2004) to the Bulls for R. Johnson, Bulls 6th(2004)
- Wizards trade the Wizards 5th,
Rebels 7th, Madhatters 7th to the Rebels for the Rebels 2nd, Rebels 2nd (2004)
- Wizards trade D. Miller to the
Rebels for the Wizards 15th, Rebels 4th (2004)
- Wizards trade Buffalo Chips 3rd to
the Turkeys for B. Santiago
- Rampage trade S. Hillenbrand to the
Buffalo Chips for D. Graves
- Turkeys trade S. Karsay, T. Worrell
to the TazDevils for Pods 2nd, TazDevils 4th, TazDevils9th, & TazDevils 12th
- Phanatics trade R. Johnson to the
Bulls for the Turkeys 1st, Bulls 1st (2004), & Bulls 3rd (2004)